Country Music Legend George Strait Releases Stirring Pro-Police Music Video County music legend George Strait shares his feelings about the police in a new song and video, 'The Weight of the Badge.' By Jack Davis October 29, 2021
Bryan Reay / YouTube screen shotCommentary Aaron Lewis Unleashes on Democrats: They're 'Responsible for Every F***ing Scar That Exists' on America Conservative rocker Aaron Lewis had some strong words for the Democratic Party during a show in Texas. By Johnathan Jones October 15, 2021
@Jason_Aldean / Twitter screen shotCommentary Jason Aldean's Family Sports Biden Bashing T-Shirts in Viral Picture Conservatives Will Love Aldean's children wore shirts that read 'Hiden' From Biden,' a reference to Biden's well-documented history of groping and sniffing kids. By Samantha Chang September 28, 2021
Jason Davis / Getty Images Shock as Biden Boots Legendary Lee Greenwood from National Council on the Arts, Introduces His Own Nominees 'I guess there is no room for a true American Patriot in Joe Biden’s world,' a Greenwood supporter said in a statement. By Jack Davis September 26, 2021
Kevin Mazur / Getty Images Carrie Underwood Enrages Leftists with Apparent Opposition to Mask Mandates for Kids 'Carrie Underwood is an anti-masker,' one Twitter user said of the country star. 'She's canceled in my book. Who else's?' By Jack Davis August 18, 2021
Gary Miller / Getty Images Texas Democrats Who Fled the State Are Being Funded by Beto O'Rourke and a Legendary Musician Texas Democrats who fled the state have received backing from a country legend whose song they are living out: 'On the Road Again.' By Jack Davis July 15, 2021
@GovRonDeSantis / TwitterCommentary DeSantis Declares Support for 'Freedom Over Faucism' with Massive Event Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis didn't crumble and defer to Washington in times of trouble. Instead, he led. By Johnathan Jones June 8, 2021
Jack Vartoogian / Getty Images Country Legend Johnny Cash Honored with Official Holiday in His Home State Country music star Johnny Cash is getting his own holiday in his home state of Arkansas. By The Associated Press April 21, 2021
Michael Ciaglo / Getty Images Biden Admin Working with NASCAR and Country Music TV to Push Vaccines to 'White Conservative Communities' While discussing vaccine outreach efforts, Psaki used caricatures of white, Christian Americans riddled with stereotypes. By Andrew Jose April 13, 2021
Taylor Dee / Facebook Country Star Dies at 33 After Rollover Car Crash 'Truly the music world has no idea what kind of loss they have suffered,' said songwriter Chad Roland, a longtime friend. By Amanda Thomason March 23, 2021