Kevin Dietsch / Getty ImagesCommentary AOC and Her Anti-Cop Pals in Congress Have Spent Whopping Amount of Campaign Cash on Private Security These lawmakers are spending gobs of money on their security while making you less safe. You're welcome, America! By C. Douglas Golden August 21, 2023
SPDblotter.Seattle.govCommentary Veteran Seattle Cop Signs Off After 23 Years, Instead of Routine Exit Form She Files a Brutal 15-Page Resignation Letter A Seattle police officer left a brutal exit letter explaining exactly why no one wants to be a cop in the far-left city. By Warner Todd Huston August 11, 2023
KTTV / YouTube screen shotCommentary Coordinated Mob Ransacks Entire California Luxury Store in 'Less Than a Minute' The speed and efficiency of the crime suggested that the thieves had planned out the robbery well in advance. By Peter Partoll August 10, 2023
Mark Youso / ShutterstockCommentary Doctor Says She's Voting Republican After Experiencing the Brutal Reality of Democrat-Run City Democratic policies ensure that innocent citizens can no longer walk down the street safely, but criminals can with confidence. By Laura Wellington August 4, 2023
Josh Edelson - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary Oakland NAACP Condemns 'Defund the Police' in Blistering Statement, Urges 'White, Asian, and Latino Communities' to Sound Crime Alarm Oakland's NAACP eviscerated the BLM-inspired "defund the police" movement and urged city leaders to abandon destructive progressive policies. By Michael Schwarz July 28, 2023
@NYPDPC / Twitter Screen ShotCommentary NYPD Commissioner Roasted After People Notice Anti-Cop Slogan Hidden on 'Pride Month' Squad Car Designs Some pro-police supporters are wondering if the designer of the NYPD's new slogan hid an anti-cop acronym in the department's new slogan. By Warner Todd Huston June 3, 2023
Paul Beaty and Nam Y. Huh / AP Photo Chicago Elects Lori Lightfoot Replacement Who Might Be Even Worse "It’s simple - Brandon doesn’t want to hire more officers, he wants to defund the police," his opponent said just before the election. By Trevor Schakohl April 4, 2023
Eva Marie Uzcategui - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary Watch: UFC Star Dismantles Left's Defund the Police Narrative, Defends the Right to Conceal Carry “I grew up in not the best neighborhoods. Believe me, you don’t want to defund the police," he said on the podcast. By C. Douglas Golden March 24, 2023
Jeff Chiu / AP Photo Democratic Politician Who Called for Defunding the Police Reverses Course, Begs for More Officers in Her District Breed's announced budget in July 2020 shifted significant money from law enforcement to "invest in the city's African American communities." By George C. Upper III March 20, 2023
ChiccoDodiFC / Getty ImagesCommentary Teen Punk Gets Nasty Surprise After Sucker-Punching Deputy and Resisting Arrest: Report It turns out, attacking a Florida sheriff's deputy is a good way to get "escorted to the ground." And "compliance" generally isn't far away. By Joe Saunders March 8, 2023