JIM WATSON - Pool -AFP / Getty Images ; JIM WATSON - Pool - AFP / Getty Images Amber Heard Responds to Johnny Depp's Social Media Post by Claiming 'Women's Rights Are Moving Backward' After losing a defamation lawsuit to her ex-husband, Amber Heard is trying to portray her loss in court as a dark day for all women. By Jack Davis June 8, 2022
Steve Helber - AFP / Getty Images; Jim Watson - Pool - AFP / Getty Images; Jim Lo Scalzo - pool - AFP / Getty ImagesVideo 'WJ Live': Verdict Reached in Heard-Depp Trial - Here's What It Means The jury in the heated Depp v. Heard defamation case has come to a verdict. The results will shock you. Here's what that means. By Lexie Purdy June 1, 2022
STEVE HELBER - POOL - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary Amber Heard's PR Guru Hired to Paint Depp as Alcoholic Has Two DUI Arrests and Left Jobs Over Sex Harassment Claims The man who is supposed to paint Depp in a bad light has plenty of legal issues of his own, possibly casting doubt on him. By Grant Atkinson May 16, 2022
Jim Lo Scalzo - pool AFP Getty ImagesCommentary Here's What Happens to Amber Heard if Johnny Depp Wins Defamation Trial If Johnny Depp is successful in his lawsuit against Amber Heard, she could face significant financial punishment. By Grant Atkinson May 13, 2022
Jim Watson - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary Bill Burr: If Amber Heard Loses, Those Who Denigrated Johnny Depp Owe Him Public Apologies While the public was initially inclined to believe Heard's accusations, many opinions started to change in the lead-up to the trial. By Grant Atkinson May 6, 2022
Video 'WJ Live': Depp Laughs His Way Through Trial as Heard's #MeToo Defense Implodes Johnny Depp's sense of humor has consistently shined through as he works his way through his defamation lawsuit against Amber Heard. By Rachel Bratton April 29, 2022
BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI - Pool - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary Watch: Johnny Depp Charms Courtroom with His Sly Humor During Defamation Suit Against Amber Heard Each time Depp employed his usual sarcasm, multiple laughs could be heard in the background of the courtroom. By Grant Atkinson April 27, 2022
Jonathan Ernst - Pool /AFP via Getty ImagesCommentary Depp's Wife's Feces Allegedly in Bed -- This Is What Hollywood Dreams Look Like Without Christian Virtue No matter who emerges as the winner in the Depp/Heard trial, it's put on display for the world what life without God looks like. By C. Douglas Golden April 27, 2022
Immigration and Customs EnforcementCommentary They're Called 'Angel Watch,' And They Set up Special 'Surprises' for Int'l Child Molesters About 25 percent of girls in the U.S. and eight percent of boys experience some sort of nonconsensual sexual activity as children. By George C. Upper III April 25, 2022
WKRN-TV / Video screen shot; @btsadv / Twitter screen shot Hand Signal Made Popular on TikTok Saves Woman from Ex Who Kidnapped and Threatened to Kill Her While in the convenience store with her ex, the young woman mouthed "help" and repeatedly made the hand signal. By Amanda Thomason April 18, 2022