Mandel Ngan - AFP / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Op-Ed: 29-Year-Old Joe Biden Attacked His Opponent's Age - What Would He Say Now? In 1972, Joe Biden suggested his 63-year-old opponent was over the hill. In 2022, he's planning on running for president at age 82. By Richard Blakley January 4, 2023
Fer Gregory / ShutterstockCommentary Elderly Homeowner Teaches 22-Year-Old Alleged Intruder Deadly Lesson, Shoots Him Dead in the Chest Authorities believe the 79-year-old man was stalked by his alleged attacker as he was returning home from a local establishment. By Elizabeth Delaney January 4, 2023
Thomas Northcut / Getty Images Nurse Charged After Allegedly Chopping Off Patient's Foot for Personal Use A Wisconsin nurse has been accused of amputating an elderly patient's foot because she wanted to turn it into a plaque. By Carson Choate and January 1, 2023
Kansas City Missouri Police Department / Facebook 'That's My Hero': Cops Arrive in the Nick of Time, Save 1-Month-Old Who Stopped Breathing Police save preemie baby battling RSV as terrified parents look on, heroic incident caught on police bodycam. By Elizabeth Delaney December 26, 2022
sinology / Getty Images China's Door-to-Door Vaccination Campaign Encounters a Big Problem “It’s also said the virus keeps mutating. How do we know if the vaccines we take are useful?” Li Liansheng said. By The Associated Press December 26, 2022
@ChrisDJackson / TwitterCommentary What's Wrong with Biden's Hands and Face in This Pic? Eagle-Eyed Social Media Users Spot Disturbing Details When Twitter users are calling out Democrats for trying to obfuscate the facts about Biden in front of our very eyes, it isn't a good look. By C. Douglas Golden December 20, 2022
WBTV News / Facebook screen shot Waste Management Workers Spot Elderly Man Trapped Under Golf Cart Overnight: 'Nobody Saw Him' Nobody had heard him calling for help, and by the time he was found, he was cold, wet, and starting to suffer from hypothermia. By Amanda Thomason December 15, 2022
Douglas Sacha / Getty Images 82-Year-Old Woman Breaks Down in Tears as She's Arrested Over $77 Trash Bill: 'You Ought to Be Ashamed' An 82-year-old Alabama woman who owed $77.80 in trash disposal fees was handcuffed and hauled off to jail. By Jack Davis December 3, 2022
Fox News / Video screen shot Local Business Owner Takes a Page Straight Out of the Bible to Fight Hunger - 'Someone's Gotta Do It' Mark Bucher believes he has discovered a business model for addressing the issue of hunger, replaces "food insecurity" with "meal security." By Elizabeth Delaney November 23, 2022
Saul Loeb - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary 'Painful to Watch': Biden Announces He Is Having Trouble Reading for Entire World to See During his trip to Bali, Indonesia, President Joe Biden had a great deal of difficulty reading the name of a reporter. By Ryan Ledendecker November 14, 2022