Alexander Raths / Shutterstock The First Blood Test To Diagnose Alzheimer's Has Just Been Released The best way now to measure the protein is a costly PET brain scan that usually is not covered by insurance. By The Associated Press November 30, 2020
Mark Makela / Getty ImagesCommentary Joe Biden Receives Medical Diagnosis After Being Examined by Doctor After Incident Reporters 'were not afforded the opportunity to see Biden enter the doctor’s office Sunday, despite multiple requests,' the AP reported. By C. Douglas Golden November 30, 2020
PeopleImages / Getty Images 81-Year-Old Marine Vet Uses Antique Walking Stick To Teach Would-Be Thieves a Lesson An 81-year-old Illinois man chased three burglars out of his house with an antique walking stick. By The Associated Press November 26, 2020
Orifbone / TikTok screen shot 92-Year-Old Woman with Dementia Sits Down at Piano, Performs 'Moonlight Sonata' from Memory The videos that her daughter shared through TikTok have shown the world a bit of the woman's beauty through the magic of music. By Amanda Thomason November 17, 2020
@WLWT / Twitter screen shot WWII Veteran Gets Heartwarming Surprise on 96th Birthday He was just 16 on Dec. 7, 1941, and from that day forward he was adamant that he would join up as soon as he was able. By Amanda Thomason November 11, 2020
Drew Angerer / Getty ImagesCommentary Doctor on Biden's COVID Task Force Thinks Living Past Age 75 Is Morally Problematic - Joe Is 77 Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the architect of Obamacare, wrote in a 2014 piece for The Atlantic that life after 75 might not be worth living. By C. Douglas Golden November 10, 2020
Paolo Bona / Shutterstock Kindhearted Cashier Pays for Elderly Customer's Groceries: 'You Could Be in Their Shoes' When he realized what the issue was, the man started to take items out of his cart, but the cashier was one step ahead of him. By Amanda Thomason November 4, 2020
PEOPLE via Colby Conklin / Facebook screen shot Meet the 82-Year-Old Woman Known as 'Mom' Who's Been Caring for the Homeless for 30 Years 'Mom' seems to suit her, several times over, as she's taken so many under her wing and encourages others to do the same. By Amanda Thomason October 28, 2020
Spencer Platt / Getty Images Justice Department Zeroes In On Cuomo's COVID Cover-Up The Department of Justice is expanding its investigation into New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. By The Associated Press October 28, 2020
Joe Raedle / Getty Images Dozens of States Allow Votes of People Who Die Before Election Day To Stand Questions over whether ballots will count if someone votes early but dies before Election Day are especially pressing this year. By The Associated Press October 19, 2020