Andrew Caballero-Reynolds - AFP / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Op-Ed: 5 Easy Steps To Make Sure 2020's Election Disaster Never Repeats Itself 'It is likely that just a few national standards would avoid a third straight presidential election challenge in 2024.' By John Pudner December 7, 2020
Julio Cortez / APCommentary 64 State Legislators Beg US Congress To Reject PA's Electors Over Dem Gov's 'Undermining' of Election At least 64 elected officials in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania were willing to stand up for election integrity on Friday. By Johnathan Jones December 5, 2020
Doug Mills-Pool / Getty ImagesCommentary Trump's Case To Change the Electoral College Vote Is Much Stronger Than Dems' Was in '16 If Russia allegations were a legitimate reason to argue for electors to vote differently in '16, how much more for the Trump campaign in '20. By Randy DeSoto December 4, 2020
Dmitrijs Kaminskis / ShutterstockOp-Ed Op-Ed: Perhaps It's Time for an Electoral College Within the States 'With the Electoral College in states, the risk and impact of fraudulent attempts to swing an election would be nullified.' By Tom Venesky November 30, 2020
Andrew Caballero-Reynolds - AFP / Getty Images Trump Reveals the Condition Under Which He'll Leave the White House 'It's going to be a very hard thing to concede because we know there was massive fraud,' he told reporters. By Erin Coates November 27, 2020
Nicole Glass Photography / ShutterstockOp-Ed David Harsanyi: Don't Be Fooled - The Left's Crusade Against the Electoral College Is a Partisan Power Grab 'On the most basic level, the Electoral College helps compel presidents to govern nationally rather than represent a handful of states.' By David Harsanyi November 25, 2020
Nicholas Kamm - AFP / Getty ImagesOp-Ed KrisAnne Hall: 3 Critical Facts About Electing the President That All Fact-Checkers Should Know but Probably Don't 'It is legally and constitutionally impermissible to have a delay in announcing the winner in the presidential race.' By KrisAnne Hall November 15, 2020
Chet Strange / AFP via Getty Images Colorado Votes To Join Compact To Bypass Electoral College 'Americans' opinions are increasingly driven by what would benefit their party,' according to a Gallup survey. By Erin Coates November 14, 2020
Jessica McGowan / Getty ImagesCommentary Judge Tosses Trump Lawsuit Over Late Ballots in Critical State Once a Democratic Party stronghold, Georgia took on the role of right-leaning electoral battleground in recent decades. By A. J. Sciascia November 7, 2020
Ethan Miller / Getty ImagesEditorial Editorial: Here's Why We Refuse To Call the Presidential Election Yet This is not an attempt to 'de-legitimize' election results, but we expect that accusation from the Democrats and the establishment media. By George C. Upper III November 6, 2020