Jai Crabbe / Facebook screen shot Group of Dads Step In To Comfort Nervous Student Crying on the First Day of School A team of dads warmed hearts this week after a video of them cheering up a scared little boy on the first day of school went viral. By Laura Stewart September 6, 2019
Oscar Corrales / Facebook screen shot 11-Year-Old Who Was Run Over by Semi-Truck Praises God for Miraculous Survival Emilio was at the Wesley Medical Center for a week following the accident, and his family waited anxiously to find out what his condition would be. By Amanda Thomason September 3, 2019
Halfpoint / Shutterstock Fixing What Is 'Broke' with Dad's Rights 'Anyone who has been through a divorce -- especially one involving minor children -- knows how very "broke" the family court system is.' By A.J. Rice August 6, 2019
13 WMAZ / Facebook screen shot Dad Drops $30K Building Age 5 Son 'Field of Dreams' in Own Backyard This Ohio father should win a Best Father of the Year award for making his 5-year-old son's dream to have his own baseball field come true. By Noel Marquis July 9, 2019
Diantae Thomas / Facebook screen shot Dad Leaps into Son's Arms While Crying Tears of Joy After Being Surprised with New Truck For two years, Diantae Thomas' father relied on his wife to take him to work every day. After saving money for months, Diantae gave his dad an amazing gift. By Noel Marquis July 9, 2019
Jon Bond - WPA Pool / Getty Images Prince Harry Shares How Archie Has Inspired Him To Be a Role Model: 'My Son Will Always Be Watching' Numerous students were in attendance at the recent event, where they heard Prince Harry speak about the importance of being a role model. By Steven Bowman July 4, 2019
Sophia_Kallie / Twitter screen shot Stepdad Left Daily Notes of Encouragement for Daughter, 6 Years Later She Gives Them Back to Him One stepdad from Maryland recently learned just how much his words impacted his stepdaughter over the years. She saved his notes and made him a gift. By Sarah Carri June 23, 2019
Veronika Ricksen / Instagram screen shot Dad Suffering from ALS Throws Surprise Party for 7-Year-Old Daughter from Hospice Bed When it came to celebrating his daughter's birthday, former pro soccer player Fernando Ricksen wanted to surprise her despite his battle with ALS. By Sarah Carri June 20, 2019
ohhcrystal_ / Twitter screen shot Watch Dad Completely Lose It When He Hears Daughter's Voice on Recording in Bear Cassandra’s dad howled in excitement and delight. In mere seconds, though, his face crumpled in on itself and he began to sob. By Loren Eaton June 19, 2019
Stock photo / Getty Images Ironic: Pro-Abortion Group Wishes 'Happy Father's Day' to 'All the Pro-Choice Dads Out There' A pro-abortion group showed just how much self-awareness it lacks. By Ben Marquis June 17, 2019