Fox News / screen shotCommentary Rand Paul: By Democrats' Logic, Chuck Schumer Should Be Impeached Too In an appearance on Fox News, Paul noted the senate majority leader had used heated rhetoric against SCOTUS justices less than a year ago. By C. Douglas Golden February 8, 2021
Spencer Platt / Getty ImagesCommentary Support for Socialism in America Sinks Like a Stone After 2020 Election, Hits Lowest Level in Years According to New Study The survey found that support for socialism had dipped by almost 10 points in just two years - and did so across age demographics. By C. Douglas Golden February 6, 2021
Erik Voake / Getty Images for HuluOp-Ed KrisAnne Hall: Hillary Can Still Be Impeached, And the Dems Are About to Accidentally Open the Door 'Every article of impeachment must find its origin in the conditions of the Constitution as outlined in Article II, Section 4.' By KrisAnne Hall February 2, 2021
Jacquelyn Martin / AP PhotoOp-Ed TWJ Exclusive: The Viral Memo Changing the Trump Legal Strategy 'This analysis was inspired, indeed provoked, by an article written by Andrew McCarthy appearing in the historically Never-Trump National Review.' By William J. Olson and Patrick M. McSweeney November 22, 2020
Drew Angerer / Getty ImagesCommentary The Upper Cut: Facebook Tries To Censor Giuliani Presser, But Here's an Easy Solution We know that our commitment to the truth is going to cause us to be throttled by social media platforms and blacklisted by advertisers. By George C. Upper III November 20, 2020
Tom Williams - Pool - AFP / Getty Images Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Claims 'We Need To Pay People To Stay Home' Spending lots of government money can help control the coronavirus, according to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. By Jack Davis November 19, 2020
Eric Risberg / APCommentary Dem NJ Rep Makes Insane Public Demand That Could Put Trump and His 'Enablers' Behind Bars He claimed the president 'has engaged in treachery, in treason' and said Trump and his team 'must be tried for their crimes.' By Johnathan Jones November 19, 2020
Stock photo / Getty ImagesCommentary WA School District Decides Not to Classify Asian Students as People of Color A now-removed document from a school district south of Seattle found lumped white and Asian students together in an 'equity report.' By C. Douglas Golden November 18, 2020
Minerva Studio / ShutterstockCommentary Pennsylvania Implements One of the Worst Mask Mandates Yet The Pennsylvania Department of Health issued an order on Tuesday requiring citizens to wear masks within the comfort of their own homes. By Michael Austin November 18, 2020
d.elmi / Shutterstock Explosive Voter Fraud Charge: 8,000 Fraudulent Voter Registration Applications in LA County from 2 Men From California comes a tale of an alleged voter fraud scheme that tried to get 8,000 fake voters registered. By Jack Davis November 18, 2020