Win McNamee / Getty ImagesCommentary Praying Football Coach Given Nearly $2 Million Settlement After Being Reinstated as Coach Coach Joe Kennedy can resume kneeling at the 50-yard line at the end of each game. No telling how many students will be influenced. By Mike Landry March 20, 2023
Evan Vucci / AP Photo Federal Judge Delivers Major Setback To Biden Admin In Pivotal Censorship Case The lawsuit argues that the Biden administration colluded with social media companies to censor debate on multiple issues, including COVID. By Harold Hutchison March 20, 2023
@jacksonhinkle / Twitter screen shotCommentary Tucker: I Was Working on a Secret Plan When the NSA Broke Into My Secure Text Messages "I hadn't told anybody -- I mean, anybody. Not my brother, not my wife, nobody," Carlson said during the interview. By C. Douglas Golden March 13, 2023
Alex Wong / Getty ImagesCommentary AOC Blocks Comedian on Twitter - But He Might Have the Last Laugh After Filing First Amendment Lawsuit Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thought she had seen the end of a comedian after she blocked him on Twitter. But now he has made his next move. By Warner Todd Huston March 12, 2023
cnythzl / Getty ImagesCommentary New Bill Would Create 'Thoughtcrime' Database That Could Be Virtual End to Freedom of Speech A new bill proposed in Minnesota would more or less make speaking Christian ideas a "thoughtcrime" that could make you a target of the law. By Warner Todd Huston March 10, 2023
Aitor Diago / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Op-Ed: Corporations Are Policing Americans' Speech, But Their Days in the Shadows Are Over The ideologies permeating woke corporations threaten small businesses and freedom-loving people. Here's how to fight back. By Paul Fitzpatrick March 9, 2023
Andrew DeMillo /APCommentary Satanic Temple and Secular Government Hit a Hard Stop After Descending on 10 Commandments: 'The Supreme Court Already Settled This Debate' The Satanic Temple and other anti-Christian groups got a serious reality check after claiming displays of the Ten Commandments were illegal. By Warner Todd Huston March 9, 2023
@HumanEvents / Twitter screen shotCommentary We Took Prayer Out of School and Look What We Got - NYC Mayor Stuns Godless Libs New York City Mayor Eric Adams said at a prayer breakfast Tuesday that death results when church and state are separated. By Randy DeSoto March 2, 2023
Benjamin Fanjoy / APCommentary Elon Musk Unmasks 'Obscure' Agency You've Never Even Heard of as Worst Offender of Gov't Censorship The Twitter owner highlighted a little-known government agency he said pushed the worst censorship on the social media platform. By Richard Bledsoe February 8, 2023
Alex Wong / Getty Images Smithsonian Museum Kicks Out Students Over What They Had on Their Hats: Attorney An attorney says that a group of students was forced to remove their pro-life beanies when they decided to visit a museum after a rally. By Carson Choate February 4, 2023