Joe Raedle / Getty Images Trump's Making America Great Again, but He Has To Get Serious About Cutting Spending Trump criticized both parties for reckless spending in the past but now might be headed down the very same financial path. By Benjamin Arie July 29, 2019
lev radin / Shutterstock Experts Have Chilling Prediction for Where De Blasio Is Taking NYC, Hasn't Happened in 40 Years This is what happens when leftist Democrats are in charge. By Ben Marquis March 12, 2019
Alex Brandon / AP Trump Rolls Out 2020 Budget Proposal with Potentially Largest Spending Cuts in US History He's laid down a challenge for the Democratic House. By Ben Marquis March 11, 2019
Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images Trump Keeps Huge Promise: Demands Cabinet Shrink Gov't by at Least 5% President Trump just told all of his Cabinet officials that he wanted them to cut at least 5 percent from their respective budgets in order to get the deficit and federal spending under control. By Ben Marquis October 17, 2018