Mark Wilson / Getty Images Former Trump FDA Head Says CDC Guidance Hurt Pandemic Response Gottlieb called the six-feet guideline the 'single costliest recommendation' issued by the CDC over the course of the pandemic. By Sebastian Hughes September 16, 2021
SDI Productions / Getty ImagesCommentary Retiring Biden Officials Slam Imminent Booster Program, Say Entire Effort 'Not Needed' Slowly, slowly, the truth is creeping out - experts are disagreeing and there's dissent about vaccination programs. By Mike Landry September 14, 2021
Luis Robayo - AFP / Getty Images Ivermectin Hit Piece Debunked After Hospital Steps Forward with the Truth A report trashing the drug ivermectin has been contradicted by a hospital supposedly overrun with cases of people taking the drug. By Jack Davis September 5, 2021
Michael S. Schwartz / Getty Images Mega-Popular Podcast Host Comes Down with COVID, Announces He's Taking Course of Ivermectin All it took was one controversial word after saying he tested positive for COVID for Joe Rogan to make waves. By Jack Davis September 3, 2021
Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images Top FDA Vaccine Regulators Resign in Protest, Reportedly Point the Finger at White House A pair of top FDA vaccine regulators are planning to resign over the Biden administration's push to encourage COVID-19 booster shots. By Jesse Stiller September 1, 2021
Sean Gallup - Pool / Getty ImagesCommentary As COVID Vaccine Receives FDA Approval, Remember Nearly 1/3 of FDA Approved Drugs Had Safety Problems Studies suggest fast-tracked drugs that get accelerated FDA approval 'have a higher likelihood of unanticipated safety problems.' By Samantha Chang August 25, 2021
Mario Tama / Getty Images Report: FDA Planning Big Announcement That Could Pave the Way for Vaccine Mandates A huge decision expected next week could become the starting gun for a wave of vaccine mandates in the United States. By Jack Davis August 21, 2021
Frederic J. Brown - AFP / Getty Images US Officials Investigating as Dangerous Vaccine Side Effect Seems More Common Than Previously Thought One coronavirus vaccine might bring with it a higher risk of heart inflammation than had previously been known, according to a new report. By Jack Davis August 20, 2021
Zach Gibson / Getty ImagesCommentary Trump's FDA Director Crushes Delta Variant Fearmongering, Points to What Happened in the United Kingdom According to Gottlieb, based on the trajectory of the UK's reported cases, we could have only a few more weeks to go before things level out. By Isa Ryan July 31, 2021
Kevin Dietsch / Getty ImagesCommentary Democrat Lawmaker Oblivious as China Buys Up US Farmland, Sets Stage for Foreign Monopoly on Our Own Food Production 'Can we honestly say that this amendment, which singles out one country, won’t have repercussions on Asian-Americans across our country?' By C. Douglas Golden July 22, 2021