Matt Hathaway / Facebook screen shot Huge Sea Creature Filmed Grabbing a Bite To Eat in Flooded Backyard After a deluge of rain from Tropical Storm Eta, one Florida homeowner finally found something to smile about. By Jack Davis November 26, 2020
Jasmin Stork / Twitter screen shot Cat Floods Owner's Home After Learning New 'Trick' Stork did note that she was incredibly grateful she'd only been out for half an hour, as the damage could have been much worse. By Amanda Thomason October 31, 2020
Edmond Police Department / Facebook screen shot Caught on Video: Police Officer Loses Epic Battle with Tree Limb One officer who was helping tidy up his community got a little more than he gambled for when he tried to move a fallen tree branch. By Amanda Thomason October 30, 2020
Roger Provost / Facebook screen shot Hilarious Video: How To Teach Your Grandchildren To Eat Spaghetti She swirls some of the noodles around her fork in her right hand while poised with a spoon in her left - but it's a bait and switch. By Amanda Thomason October 30, 2020
Alex Wong / Getty ImagesCommentary Dem Nominee Joe Biden's Four Most Embarrassing Verbal Blunders Joe Biden has had trouble forming coherent sentences over the past several months. Here are his four worst verbal blunders. By Michael Austin September 14, 2020
KCRA News / YouTube screen shot With No Water Left, Man Grabs Cans of Bud Light and Helps Save Home from Wildfire As his cars caught fire and the blaze reached his shop, he realized he did have one last option: a 30-pack of Bud Light. By Amanda Thomason August 29, 2020
Mayor Mark Boughton / Facebook screen shotCommentary HBO Comedian Insults City, Mayor Responds by Renaming Sewage Plant After Him - 'It's Full of Crap, Just Like You' After John Oliver ruthlessly mocked Danbury on his show, the Connecticut city's mayor responded with some comedy of his own. By Michael Austin August 24, 2020
mack_a_fool, YouTube screen shotCommentary Alleged Arsonist Learns Fundamental Property of Gasoline as Act Literally Blows Up in Her Face A dynamic substance in its liquid state, gasoline is known to evaporate into -- and rest in -- the air in small quantities. By A. J. Sciascia August 2, 2020
Robert Speker / Twitter Look: Nursing Home Recreates Popular Album Covers with Residents and Staff 'Elderly people will remain in lockdown for a long time, and I want to make their time as happy and full of enjoyment and interest as possible.' By Amanda Thomason July 17, 2020
BBC News / Twitter screen shot Doctor Videobombed by Daughter During Live Interview on BBC, Keeps Her Cool Entire Time The interviewer tried to get back into the questions, but Scarlett was very attentive and this potential new acquaintance wasn't getting away so easily. By Amanda Thomason July 8, 2020