Phovoir / Shutterstock Exclusive: Harvard Elite’s Anti-Homeschooling 'Propaganda' Rebuked by School Choice Expert In comments to The Western Journal, Corey DeAngelis refuted the Harvard professor's claims that homeschooling is 'authoritarian' in nature. By Michael Austin April 24, 2020
Fabio Principe / ShutterstockCommentary Homeschooling Is ‘Authoritarian’ and ‘Violates Children’s Constitutional Rights’: Harvard Law Professor 'Homeschooling is a realm of near-absolute parental power. This power is inconsistent with important rights supposedly guaranteed to children.' By Michael Austin April 22, 2020
Alex Wong / Getty Images Trump Calls for Harvard To Return Coronavirus Relief Money, University Responds Trump criticized the university for taking the money even though it had an endowment of approximately $41 billion as of June 2019. By Erin Coates April 22, 2020
Paul Sakuma / Pool / Getty ImagesCommentary Lib Harvard Prof Floats Wild Conspiracy Theory on Trump and COVID-19 Laurence Tribe, an influential Harvard Law School professor, believes the president may have spread disinformation about coronavirus because of impeachment. By C. Douglas Golden April 6, 2020
STR / AFP via Getty ImagesCommentary Harvard Study Finds COVID-19 Fatality Rate Far Lower Than World Health Org Suggests The study found the death rate in Wuhan was only 1.4 percent, far lower than the World Health Organization's prediction of 3.4 percent. By C. Douglas Golden March 24, 2020
Steven Ryan / Getty Images Players Furious After Ivy League Mars March Madness by Canceling Tourney Over Coronavirus 'We understand and share the disappointment with student-athletes, coaches and fans who will not be able to participate in these tournament.' By Johnathan Jones March 10, 2020
rabbit75_ist / Getty Images Survey Finds Mere 1 Percent of Harvard Faculty Supports Trump 'Bernie supports the filibuster. I want to get rid of the filibuster. I won't let the NRA and the gun industry have a veto.' By Erin Coates March 7, 2020
Courtesy of Vanesa LevineCommentary Lawsuit: Harvard Professor Assaults Jewish Woman After She Stands Up to Anti-Israel Bullies The Harvard Club not only forced Vanesa Levine, 28, to leave the February 2019 event, but later rescinded her membership, she says. By Randy DeSoto February 12, 2020
John Lamparski / Getty ImagesCommentary Warren Said Dershowitz Argument Was 'Nonsensical,' He Takes Her Back to Law 101 The Democratic presidential candidate both criticized the celebrated attorney's defense and admitted she had a hard time understanding it. By Jared Harris January 29, 2020
Charles Krupa / AP Photo Harvard Professor Arrested at His Office for Allegedly Hiding Close Ties with China A Harvard University professor has been charged with lying about his ties to a Chinese-run recruitment program, officials said Tuesday. By The Associated Press January 28, 2020