Johnny Futhey / Facebook screen shot Flashback: Dad's Spontaneous National Anthem Performance Brings 'Everyone in the Gym to Tears' The spirit of America lives - check out how one father shows his patriotism at a high school basketball game. By Jack Davis December 7, 2020
JoeSAPhotos / Shutterstock High School Wrestlers Allowed To Grapple with Opponents but Banned from Shaking Their Hands High school wrestlers have been admonished not to shake hands with their opponents before or after their matches for fear of spreading the coronavirus. By Jack Davis December 7, 2020
MonitorNews / YouTube screen shot Police Escort High School Football Player from Stadium After Vicious Attack on Referee A shocking video shows a Texas high school football player body-slam an official after being ejected from a game. By Johnathan Jones December 4, 2020
Sarah Frei / Facebook screen shot Cheerleader Returns to Field After Accident Forces Her To Have Double Leg Amputation She has a T11 spinal injury, had to have her legs amputated and will likely use a wheelchair for the rest of her life. By Amanda Thomason October 30, 2020
Charles Rex Arbogast / APCommentary Illinois High School Basketball Can Start on Schedule After State Sports Org Defies Dem Gov Across the nation, people are fed up with the arbitrary standards and ever-changing restrictions imposed in the name of public health. By Christine Favocci October 30, 2020
@MaxPreps / Twitter screen shot Heartwarming: Paralyzed Teen Led Into End Zone by Teammates To Score Touchdown During Game His parents, Troy and Kristina Sprik, are already proud of their son - but what he did with the help of his teammates made them even prouder. By Amanda Thomason October 24, 2020
ShutterstockCommentary Minnesota Court Issues Stunning Ruling Against School District on Sex-Separated Locker Rooms Minnesota Judge Peter Reyes wrote that a student who had 'socially transitioned' had the right to choose which locker room to use. By C. Douglas Golden October 1, 2020
Steve Zona / Facebook screen shot School Bans Pro-Police Flag After Complaints That It Is 'Racist' 'It's all about my son's love for his dad and his memory.' By Erin Coates September 23, 2020
Hospice of Lake Cumberland / Facebook Kindhearted Nurse Helps a Father Fulfill Dying Wish To See Son Play Football One Last Time His son, Cade, is a sophomore at Pulaski County High School, but their first game would be taking place over three hours away. By Amanda Thomason September 23, 2020
Alex Brandon / AP Trump Honors Football Players Suspended for Carrying Pro-Police Flag 'Thank you for supporting the heroes in our law enforcement.' By Erin Coates September 22, 2020