Joe Raedle / Getty Images Watch This Crowd of Latinos Chant 'Build That Wall!' Echoes of the president's 2016 campaign victory. By C. Douglas Golden June 26, 2019
Drew Angerer / Getty Images Dick Morris: Latino Voters in US Back a Border Wall 'A survey of American citizens and voters of Latino or Hispanic ancestry shows surprising support for President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall.' By Dick Morris May 29, 2019
Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images Every American Should See What White Dems Want To Do to These Black Children Democrats are the harshest critics of school choice, but recent polling data shows that a majority of black and Hispanic Democrats support charter schools. By Malachi Bailey May 24, 2019
David J. Phillip / AP Fed. Commission Finds 42% of Federal Crimes Committed by Illegals The numbers also show that illegal immigrants are sentenced for other serious crimes at far higher rates than the rest of the population. By Benjamin Arie May 21, 2019
Rocketclips, Inc. / Shutterstock MAGA for All: Hispanic Unemployment Rate Plummets to All-Time Low While critics still declare that the president is a racist, minorities have actually been thriving under the pro-growth Trump economy. By Benjamin Arie May 3, 2019
Rodrigo Mendez / Getty Images Poll: Nearly 40 Percent of Guatemalans Want Out of Their Country A poll by one of Guatemala’s largest newspapers found a startling number of its citizens expressed a desire to leave the country. By Jason Hopkins May 3, 2019
Drew Angerer / Getty Images; Zach Gibson / Getty Images Some 2020 Democratic Candidates' Spanish Language Websites Riddled with Translation Errors Democratic presidential hopefuls are facing criticism for bungling the Spanish translations on their presidential campaign websites. By Mary Margaret Olohan April 3, 2019
Jae C. Hong / AP Panic-Inducing Poll for Dems: Half of Hispanics Approve of Donald J. Trump Job Performance And that wasn't the only good news for Trump. By C. Douglas Golden April 2, 2019
Gary Miller / Getty Images 2020 Dems Try Reaching Latinos with Spanish-Language Websites... But the Flaws Are Embarrassing Talk about lost in translation. By Joe Saunders March 31, 2019
Matt Winkelmeyer / Getty Images for SXSW Latino Columnist Slams Beto as 'Another White Guy' Trying To 'Manipulate' Latinos 'Is O’Rourke aiming to become America’s first Latino president? Por favor. Please.' By Jack Davis March 20, 2019