Abode Services / AP Teen Baker Sets to Work Sweetening Lives of Those in Need After Seeing People Living on the Streets 'We think that a simple act of kindness can go a long way for someone who is facing such a difficult time.' By The Associated Press May 20, 2021
WABC-TV screen shotCommentary Cops Called as Homeless Man Steals Socks, Police Shock Him with Kind Gesture New York police officers responded to a shoplifting incident, but acted out of kindness after discovering the suspect was homeless. By Taylor Penley May 15, 2021
Kayode Adewumi / Facebook screen shot 10-Year-Old Who Used to Be Homeless Becomes National Chess Master He's far from the youngest chess master - he comes in at number 28 - but he's set his sights on a new goal: To become the world's youngest grandmaster. By Amanda Thomason May 13, 2021
Guido Mieth / Getty ImagesSpecial Report Money 101: Escape the Paycheck Trap with Systematic Investing Putting together a Systematic Investment Plan is not difficult and may be the easiest and quickest way to stop living paycheck-to-paycheck. By Eric Nanneman May 10, 2021
Frederic J. Brown - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary Someone Took a Tally During Massive Cleanup of Los Angeles Park, Here Are the Sick Details of What Was Found Among 35 Tons of Trash When the city decided to shut it down, they were able to provide 200 people with housing, though 182 were arrested for refusing to leave. By Cameron Arcand May 10, 2021
KATC.-TV via Dominique Auto Sales / Facebook screen shot Louisiana Car Dealer Finds Homeless Man Sleeping on His Porch, Goes Above and Beyond to Help Dominique has promised to work with Brown to find suitable housing, transportation and work so that he can maintain his independence. By Amanda Thomason May 6, 2021
Frederic J. Brown - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary Judge Calls Out 'Shameful Reality' in LA, Sets an October Deadline to Deal with Entire Homeless Population 'Los Angeles has lost its parks, beaches, schools, sidewalks, and highway systems due to the inaction of City and County officials.' By Samantha Chang April 26, 2021
Valerie Macon - AFP / Getty Images Judge Orders Los Angeles to House Every Homeless Person on Skid Row by Oct. 18 'Here in Los Angeles, how did racism become embedded in the policies and structures of our new city?' the judge wrote. By Jack Davis April 21, 2021
@stickwithjosh / TwitterCommentary Portland Church Will Struggle to Feed the Homeless Due to Repairs from Riot Damage 'Sometimes when windows are broken in a riot, it's not a specific statement by one individual,' said lead pastor Cynthia McBride. By Cameron Arcand April 19, 2021
Axel Bueckert / ShutterstockOp-Ed Op-Ed: Alcohol Is So Deadly That in 5 Years It Could Kill as Many as COVID Has in Just 1 'As a nation, we have shown extreme concern about the pandemic, but far less concern about alcohol or those who abuse it.' By Matthew Barnett April 18, 2021