Nilvarda / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Op-Ed: Catholic Bishops Should Denounce the Dodgers, But Mustn't Ignore the Obscenities Within Their Own Church However deceptive, illogical and spiritually destructive it may be, the LGBT con job seemingly has the support of Rome. By Carina Benton June 13, 2023
SUZANNE CORDEIRO - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary Conservatives Turn on Garth Brooks, Throw Out His Music After Bud Light Support: 'Never Again' Garth Brooks fans wasted no time in voicing their displeasure with the singer's attack on those who boycott pro-trans Anheuser products. By Jared Miller June 11, 2023
oceanfishing / ShutterstockOp-Ed Op-Ed: As the Left Celebrates 'Pride' Month, Remember the Tragedy of How We Got Here The celebration of the heretofore unspeakable is the logical outcome of an earlier deadly move: willful unbelief. By Michael A. Milton June 10, 2023
ampus Reform / Youtube screen shotCommentary Drag Show Where Woman Exposed Herself to Children Was Marketed for 'All Ages' A drag show at Oregon State University was explicitly intended to expose people of all ages to "adult themes." By Bryan Chai June 9, 2023
Alejandro Guzmani / ShutterstockCommentary Cracker Barrel Goes Woke with LGBT Celebration Hidden Among the Rocking Chairs "Evidently, Cracker Barrel has been under a rock and missed the whole Bud Light/Target debacle," one Twitter user said. By Samantha Chang June 9, 2023
paul mansfield photography / Getty ImagesCommentary Secret Recording Catches Teacher Scolding Students for Skipping 'Pride' Month Events: 'You Don't Belong Here' A teacher in Canada is taking heat for berating students who refused to participate in their school's gay "pride" events. By Warner Todd Huston June 8, 2023
jamesissmiling / TikTok screen shotCommentary Man Who Calls Himself 'Genderfluid' Has Meltdown After Seeing How Trump Used Him in Campaign Ad “This presidential campaign is going to be -- I’m just predicting it’s going to be horrible,” James Rose whined. By Samantha Chang June 8, 2023
Stefano Chiacchiarini '74 / ShutterstockCommentary Disney Learned Nothing from Target, Pushes 'Pride' Items for Babies Younger Than 3 Months Despite the backlash against other woke companies, Disney is hopping on the "pride" bandwagon and selling LGBT merchandise for babies. By Peter Partoll June 7, 2023
baona / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Drollinger: Societies Embrace Same-Sex Marriage at Their Own Peril Same-sex marriage is not God’s design. It is human folly that leads to societal dysfunction like we are now experiencing. By Ralph Drollinger June 7, 2023
Brandon Bell / Getty ImagesCommentary Target's Bad News Piles Up as Company Served with Legal Letter Demanding Books and Records The letter includes disgusting details of Target pushing the LGBT agenda toward toddlers and, in effect, dancing with the devil. By Mike Landry June 6, 2023