Jason Connolly - AFP / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Op-Ed: The LGBT Agenda Is a Lie Our culture is on a mission to promote that which violates the natural law and God's created order. By Rashad Gibson March 29, 2023
Catherine McQueen / Getty ImagesCommentary Largest Methodist Church in Michigan Votes 616-9 to Leave the Denomination A congregation in Michigan is leaving the United Methodist Church amid the debate over the church's stance on homosexuality. By Jack Gist March 25, 2023
The Daily Show / Youtube screen shotCommentary Biden Tells Bizarre Story About Seeing Two Men Kiss in High School, And There's a Giant Issue with His Tale Joe Biden claims that he was always a supporter of same-sex marriage, but his voting record tells a different story. By Peter Partoll March 14, 2023
WEAR-TV / YouTube screen shotCommentary Christian College Takes Stand and Cancels Group's Concert, Citing the Contradiction of Scripture Pensacola Christian College canceled a performance after learning one of the group's singers lives a lifestyle that "contradicts scripture." By Jack Gist March 3, 2023
Maine Source Of Truth / Rumble screen shotCommentary Student, 11, Confronts School Board by Reading Them 'Pornographic' Book from Library "That’s my son, 11 years old and went to his library and found it by the entry door of our library," the boy's father told the school board. By C. Douglas Golden and March 2, 2023
Tim Thompson - Bradel Images / Getty Images A Dozen Conservative Archbishops Turn on Head of Church After Woke Decision, No Longer Recognize His Authority A dozen conservative Anglican archbishops announced that they no longer recognized the Archbishop of Canterbury as the leader of the church. By John Hugh DeMastri February 20, 2023
Leon Neal / Getty ImagesCommentary Women Outraged Catholic Church Denied Them Communion Because They Were Wearing Anti-Catholic Garb “I will say, anyone who considers themselves a lifelong Catholic knows that the communion line is not the place for any political statement." By C. Douglas Golden February 16, 2023
Kevin Mazur / Getty ImagesCommentary Sam Smith's Satan-Worshiping Grammy Performance Hit with Myriad of FCC Complaints After the Satanic performance during the Grammy Awards, numerous complaints were filed with the Federal Communications Commission. By Isa Ryan February 14, 2023
@britishmuseum / Twitter screen shotCommentary Museum Celebrates 'LGBT History Month' with Artifact Proving Gays Were in Roman Empire - Now Turn It Around for a Sick Surprise British Museum attempts to celebrate history of homosexuality with ancient Roman artifact depicting degenerate acts of sodomy and child abuse By Jared Miller February 12, 2023
Valerie Macon - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary Taylor Swift's Perverted Christianity - Sodomy Is Good, Protecting Babies Is Awful Taylor Swift is a perfect example of the progressive push to bend the will of God into any shape of their choosing. By Jack Gist February 5, 2023