Amith Nag Photography / Getty Images Official Suspended for Draining Water Reservoir After Selfie Mishap An official in India is coming under scrutiny for draining more than 500,000 gallons of water from a water reservoir. By The Associated Press May 27, 2023
@zoo_bear / Twitter Fact Check: Did Pakistan Parents Padlock Daughter's Grave to Prevent Sick Act to Body? A report claiming Pakistani parents of a deceased girl put a lock on her grave to prevent people from abusing her corpse has been debunked. By Carson Choate May 13, 2023
National Disaster Response Force / AP 11 People Now Dead After Fatal Gas Leak, Area Sealed and Samples Being Taken Eleven people died and four more were hospitalized after a gas leak in northern India's Punjab state Sunday, local media reported. By The Associated Press April 30, 2023
@MakomboreroH / Twitter screen shotCommentary Dalai Lama Issues Apology After Disturbing Video Shows Him Telling Young Boy, 'Suck My Tongue' The tone of the international coverage made it clear that cultural differences weren't enough to excuse this kind of behavior. By Joe Saunders April 10, 2023
Michael Probst / AP file photo As Climate Activists Try to Abolish Coal Use, the Opposite Is Happening: Study “At this rate, the transition away from existing and new coal isn’t happening fast enough to avoid climate chaos,” the report's author said. By The Associated Press April 5, 2023
@SriNithyananda / Twitter screen shot Major Metro Fooled in Sister City Scam - Would You Have Been Fooled by Something So Obvious? Newark, New Jersey, wanted to be so very diverse in its overseas connections that it never did a basic check on a partner. By Jack Davis March 12, 2023
Indranil Mukherjee - AFP / Getty Images Third-Richest Man in the World Tumbles from Position, Has Billions of Net Worth Evaporated After Damning Report Is Released A research firm accused his company of "a brazen stock manipulation and accounting fraud scheme over the course of decades." By John McCann January 27, 2023
Sonny Tumbelaka - AFP / Getty Images 6 Dead, Including 3 Children, After Kite Strings Slit Their Throats at Festival Many people participated in "kite fighting" at a festival in India. The dangerous sport led to six deaths and over 175 injuries. By Carson Choate January 22, 2023
AP Photo Hundreds Abandon Town After Noticing What Began Appearing on Local Houses A district administrator said that more than 60 families have been moved to government relief camps, but that number is likely to rise to 600. By The Associated Press January 7, 2023
@shukla_tarun / Twitter Screen Shot Watch: Flight Attendant Pulls No Punches With Rude Passenger: 'You Shut Up! I Am Not Your Servant' A flight attendant ran out of patience with an abusive passenger in an in-flight video of the altercation. By Richard Moorhead December 23, 2022