Manjunath Kiran - AFP / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Here's Why Climate Alarmists Are Ignoring All-Time Record Crop Production in India 'There is no climate emergency. Earth and its people are in fact flourishing in a time of relative warmth and plenty.' By Vijay Jayaraj August 21, 2021
Stefani Reynolds - Pool - AFP / Getty Images; Drazen Zigic / ShutterstockCommentary CDC Exposed: Mask Decision Made Using Non-FDA-Approved Vaccine Data from India Rep. Dan Crenshaw actually bothered to look at the data used by the CDC to justify the return of masks. What he found is jarring. By Johnathan Jones July 29, 2021
Indian Army via APCommentary As China and India Come to Blows in the Himalayas, Can America Provide Aid? In a standoff last year, thousands of Chinese and Indian soldiers occupied the Ladakh region of the high Himalayas. By Brett Kershaw June 4, 2021
Laurent Gillieron - Pool - AFP / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Itxu Diaz: After Emphasizing COVID Rename, Here's All the Work the WHO Still Has Left to Do 'The health organization has resolved this terrifying injustice by changing the names to letters of the Greek alphabet.' By Itxu Díaz June 2, 2021
Go Nakamura / Getty ImagesCommentary 33,000 Migrants Flocking to US Border, But They're Not Coming from Mexico Tens of thousands of migrants have traveled from around the world to cross the southern border during Biden's crisis, a new report says. By Andrew Thornebrooke May 27, 2021
Prakash Singh - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary The Deadly 'Black Fungus' First Appears as a Swollen Face, Those Who Survive Are Often Left with Major Disfigurements As cases of the rare but deadly 'black fungus' rise, doctors issue a warning for patients with high blood sugar. By Taylor Penley May 12, 2021
Jim Watson - Pool / Getty ImagesCommentary Biden Bans Travel from Foreign Country Despite Disputed Allegation He Called Trump Racist for Same Thing 'A wall will not stop the coronavirus,' Biden said over a year ago in response to Trump's travel ban. Apparently, he thinks they work now. By C. Douglas Golden May 1, 2021
Arun Sankar - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary American Citizens Advised to Leave 1.3 Billion-Strong Country Immediately, US Consulate Begins Shutting Down Services Both the State Department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued Level 4 warnings for the country - the highest there is. By C. Douglas Golden April 30, 2021
Noel Celis - Pool / Getty ImagesSpecial Report Biden's Global Vaccine Strategy Leaves Room for Aggressive Chinese Expansion Global leaders have created vaccine-sharing programs, but national and political interests are taking precedent. By Brett Kershaw April 23, 2021
Oliver Contreras - Pool / Getty Images Biden Tells Engineer That Indian-Americans 'Are Taking Over the Country' The incident called to mind his 2006 comment that 'you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.' By Jack Davis March 5, 2021