Ilya S. Savenok / Getty ImagesCommentary 'The Biggest Film in History': Jim Caviezel Reveals Major Update to 'Passion of the Christ' Sequel What Jim Caviezel said about the "Passion of the Christ" sequel will have massive implications for the box office if true. By Peter Partoll July 14, 2023
Living Waters / YouTube screen shot Famous Atheist Richard Dawkins' Former 'Right-Hand Man' Converts to Christianity After Realizing the Truth About Jesus Josh Timonen came to Christ even after working closely with one of the world's most prominent atheists for five years. By Johnathan Jones July 8, 2023
Jason Davis / Getty Images 'Bring Back God in Our Songs' - Rising Country Music Singer Challenges 'Scared' Music Industry "Trust the Lord and see where he can take you. And when you do, he'll put you right where you're supposed to be. I’m walking proof right now." By Anthony Gonzalez July 7, 2023
Dimitrios Kambouris / Getty ImagesCommentary Google Backs Down from Blasphemous 'Pride' Plans After Christian Employees Fight Back It's the cherry on top of a disastrous "pride" month for corporate America, which has faced backlash after backlash. By C. Douglas Golden June 29, 2023
Jae C. Hong / APOp-Ed Op-Ed: Fair or Foul? Some Christians Off Base in Dodgers Controversy As a private organization, the Dodgers will reap what they sow. As for Christianity, Christ is so appealing, he can survive any criticism. By Kellen McGovern Jones June 21, 2023
Shannon Finney / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Op-Ed: The Lord or LGBT? Choose Wisely We need to determine in our own minds the answer to this question, for like light and darkness, the two cannot have fellowship. By Rolaant McKenzie June 20, 2023
ordan B Peterson / YouTube screen shotCommentary 'This is Wrong': Mike Pence Reveals His 'Libertarian' Stance on Transgender Issues In conversation with famed psychologist Jordan Peterson, Pence expresses a "live and let live" attitude toward adult transgenderism. By Mike Landry June 20, 2023
Farknot_Architect / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Op-Ed: Christians, Don't Be Afraid to Ask the Tough Question - Eternity Is at Stake There are so many people who have heard the gospel but have never had anyone stop and ask them, “Are you ready to follow Christ?” By Bob Burckle June 18, 2023
Sean Rayford / Getty Images DeSantis Reveals His Favorite President, Wishes He Could Have Dinner with Jesus's Disciples Florida Governor DeSantis sat down for an interview with CBN News on Thursday to discuss who he is as a man and what he cares about. By Carson Choate June 17, 2023
@az_rww / Twitter video screen shotCommentary An AI Program Is Pretending to Be Jesus and Thousands of Lost Young People Are Flocking to It Operating under the Twitch channel name "ask_jesus," the live stream has amassed a following of over 36,000 devoted users. By Rachel M. Emmanuel June 15, 2023