Saul Loeb - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary Poll: Trump Makes Record Gains with Jewish Voters President Donald Trump's support among Jewish voters increased, and many are crediting it to his strong record on Israel. By Cameron Arcand November 9, 2020
Tasos Katopodis / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Dennis Prager: A Vote for Trump Should Be an Easy Call To Make for Anyone Who Loves America 'Those who hate the left do so not because of dislike for any individual but because everything the left touches it ruins.' By Dennis Prager November 2, 2020
@protest_nyc / Twitter screen shotCommentary Anti-Trumper Finds Car Full of Jewish Kids, Does the Unthinkable With Election Day in view, people outraged by this behavior should channel that emotion into a vote for President Trump and his agenda. By Christine Favocci October 27, 2020
@NYScanner / Twitter Family Suffers Terrifying Attack While Participating in 'Jews for Trump' Event Four children were among those targeted in New York City by violent anti-Trump demonstrators during a ‘Jews for Trump’ rally. By Johnathan Jones October 26, 2020
@themishpacha / Twitter Top Jewish Leaders Make 'Historic' Move in Support of Donald Trump The rabbis praised Trump for his 'commitment to the essential importance of religious entities' and the importance of faith during the pandemic. By Jennifer Jean Miller October 26, 2020
@ZackFinkNews / Twitter screen shot Chaos Ensues After Cuomo's COVID Order Leaves Orthodox Jews Feeling 'Singled Out' Five religious organizations were reportedly reportedly issued $15,000 fines for having more than 10 people present in an indoor gathering. By Jake Dima October 12, 2020
Angela Weiss / AFP via Getty Images Court Sides with Cuomo Against New York Jews Fighting for Religious Freedom A federal judge ruled against a group of Jews suing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo over new restrictions on religious gatherings. By The Associated Press October 9, 2020
John Minchillo / AP Confusion, Anger Reign as Cuomo Tightens His Grip on New York City Gov. Andrew Cuomo's decision to close hundreds of New York City schools and businesses has been met with resentment and confusion. By The Associated Press October 8, 2020
Noam Galai / Getty Images De Blasio Threatens To Unleash Police on Jewish Protesters 'Hizzoner and his overlord Cuomo have targeted the nation's largest Jewish population with unequal and selective enforcement of the law.' By Jack Davis October 8, 2020
SV News / Twitter screen shot Orthodox Jews Burn Masks in Protest of Governor Cuomo's 'Draconian' Worship Restrictions Gov. Andrew Cuomo's new restrictions include limiting capacity at houses of worship in some areas to a maximum of 10 people. By Erin Coates October 7, 2020