Craig Barritt / Getty Images for Audible; Greg Nash - Pool / Getty ImagesCommentary Dan Rather's Attempt to Slam Ted Cruz Backfires Spectacularly Dan Rather's career at CBS ended in disgrace over his disregard for facts. In a Twitter post Thursday, he showed he hasn't changed much. By Joe Saunders August 5, 2021
Drew Angerer / Getty Images 'Climate Czar' John Kerry's Private Jet Has Been Flying All Over the Place in 2021: Report 'Climate Czar' John Kerry's family jet reportedly keeps logging miles even as leftists clamor for limits on air travel to reduce emissions. By Jack Davis August 5, 2021
Tolga Akmen - AFP / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Cal Thomas: Mainstream Media Gleefully Devours 'Expert' Predictions, But What Happens When They Keep Failing to Come True? 'To some, climate change proponents are little more than modern-day soothsayers the media continues to legitimize.' By Cal Thomas July 29, 2021
Commentary Liberal Privilege: Photos Catch John Kerry Breaking Biden's Federal Mask Mandate Again John Kerry has been photographed flouting President Biden's air travel mask mandate for a second time. By Johnathan Jones July 10, 2021
Fox News screen shotCommentary Physicist to Tucker Carlson: Climate Change Is 'Fiction of the Media,' Not an 'Existential Threat' 'There's very little in terms of extreme weather that has changed over the last many decades,' a former Obama administration official said. By Samantha Chang June 22, 2021
Anna Moneymaker-Pool / Getty ImagesCommentary Even After John Kerry Promised Plentiful Green Jobs, South Dakota Wind Turbine Plant Will Shut Down 'The closure comes as a result of changes in market conditions, foreign competition and proposed revisions to tax policies.' By Cameron Arcand June 14, 2021
Andrew Burton / Getty ImagesCommentary Keystone XL Isn't Dead - Multiple States Move to Force Pipeline Down Biden, Democrats' Throats 'The fallout from the Colonial pipeline cyberattack made it very clear that we need more energy infrastructure, not less.' By C. Douglas Golden June 4, 2021
David Goldman / APCommentary GOP States Issue Warning to Banks: Drop Coal or Gas and We'll Drop You Fifteen treasurers from Republican-majority states threatened to divest from banks that discriminate against the energy industry. By Johnathan Jones May 28, 2021
Anna Moneymaker - Pool / Getty ImagesCommentary John Kerry Now Says Pipelines Are More Efficient Even Though Biden Canceled Keystone Pipeline Two Biden administration figures have effectively admitted this week that pipelines are the most sensible way to transport fuel. By Johnathan Jones May 13, 2021
Sarah Silbiger / Getty ImagesCommentary AOC Planning to Form 1.5M-Member 'Climate Corps' to Work on Government-Funded Projects A 'diverse and equitable group of 1.5 million Americans' would 'help communities respond to climate change and transition to a clean economy.' By Grant Atkinson May 6, 2021