Joe Raedle / Getty ImagesCommentary The Field: Who's in Position to Lead the GOP Into 2024 and Beyond? The polls have been wrong before, but CPAC data seems to provide a decent look at the 2024 Republican presidential primary field taking shape. By A. J. Sciascia March 4, 2021
Joe Raedle / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Op-Ed: Nationalism Is on the Rise and We Shouldn't Apologize for Putting America First 'There is a civil war going on in the party. As much as the GOP doesn’t want to admit, there is - it’s the populists vs. the establishment.' By Ashley Yanez March 1, 2021
Joe Raedle / Getty Images Trump Wins Important Poll at CPAC Former President Donald Trump is the choice of conservatives at the annual CPAC event to lead the nation and set the GOP agenda. By Jack Davis March 1, 2021
zkolra / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Dan Calabrese: 4 Republicans Who Could Do for the GOP in 2024 What Bill Clinton Did for the Dems in 1992 'Clinton did well because he thought and acted differently from the Democratic establishment of the time.' By Dan Calabrese February 16, 2021
photolona / Shutterstock Judge Stands in the Way of State's Push to Legalize Marijuana Possessing small amounts of marijuana would have become legal on July 1, but that will not happen unless a higher court overturns the ruling. By The Associated Press February 8, 2021
James Nord / AP South Dakota Rejected Lockdowns and Mask Orders; Now Look at the Amazing Milestone Its Economy Hit as Other States Collapse When Gov Kristi Noem refused to lock down South Dakota, she was criticized. Now, the state's jobless rate is lower than it was before COVID. By Jack Davis January 24, 2021
Alex Brandon / AP Much-Maligned South Dakota Near Top of Vaccine Leaderboard While Democratic Strongholds Lag Behind 'I am excited to report a light at the end of the tunnel with regard to our fight against COVID-19,' Gov. Kristi Noem said. By Erin Coates January 15, 2021
Alex Wong / Getty Images Up-and-Coming GOP Governor Backs Law Banning Abortions Due to Down Syndrome Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem said she will present legislation banning abortion due to a fetal diagnosis of Down syndrome. By Mary Margaret Olohan January 12, 2021