Mandel Ngan / AFP via Getty Images Sen. Murkowski Announces She Will Vote To Confirm Barrett to Supreme Court Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska will vote to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court. By Jack Davis October 25, 2020
Alex Edelman-Pool / Getty Images; Michael Schwartz/ Getty Images Sarah Palin Shreds Lisa Murkowski, Then Threatens Primary Run Against Her Sarah Palin has given Sen. Lisa Murkowski a choice: Do the right thing, or pay the consequences in 2022. By Jack Davis September 27, 2020
Drew Angerer / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Op-Ed: Confirming a Supreme Court Nominee Is the Democratic Thing To Do - No Matter What the Left Tells You 'This is the latest example of many on the left saying they are part of a “democracy movement” while opposing democracy.' By John Pudner September 24, 2020
Alex Edelman / Pool / AFP via Getty Images Murkowski Appears To Backtrack on Decision Not To Vote for SCOTUS Nominee Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska has shifted her tone on voting to fill RBG’s vacated SCOTUS seat, and might vote to confirm her replacement. By Johnathan Jones September 23, 2020
Al-Drago-Pool / Getty Images Romney Spox Shuts Down Rumor Senator Has Decided Not To Confirm SCOTUS Pick 'Dear twitter and also @JimDabakis: Unless your name is Mitt Romney or you’re his spokesperson, you do not speak for Mitt Romney.' By Johnathan Jones September 19, 2020
Greg Nash / Pool via AP Lisa Murkowski Announces She Will Not Vote To Confirm SCOTUS Nominee Until After Election Day Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he will make sure that any nominee put forward by President Donald Trump gets a vote. By Johnathan Jones September 19, 2020
Fred Schilling / Collection of the Supreme Court of the United StatesCommentary Democrats Threaten Huge Retaliation if Trump Appoints a Supreme Court Justice in 2020 Several senators said they would be willing to embrace a 'court-packing' scheme if the president were to nominate a new justice. By C. Douglas Golden August 4, 2020
Fox News via @SKMorefield / Twitter screen shotCommentary Tucker Carlson Said These 9 GOP Senators Should Lose Their Races Trying to protect the H-2A and H-2B visas at a time like this isn't defensible, not when real unemployment is close to 20 percent. By C. Douglas Golden May 29, 2020
Samuel Corum / Getty ImagesCommentary Senate GOP Looks To Vote on 20-Week Abortion Ban, Shooting for Late Feb. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky took action on Tuesday to revive the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. By A. J. Sciascia February 12, 2020
Sarah Silbiger / Getty Images First Impeachment Swing Vote Announced, Murkowski Voting To Acquit Trump Indicting House Democrats for their rush to judgment, Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska said Monday night she will vote to acquit President Donald Trump of the articles of impeachment against him. By Jack Davis February 4, 2020