David Goldman / APCommentary Democratic Senator Posts a Good Tweet for Once - Then the Lib Mob Forced Him To Delete It Connecticut Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy opted to take down a tweet which condemned looting in Kenosha, Wisconsin. By C. Douglas Golden August 29, 2020
Republican National Convention / YouTube screen shot In 'Gut Punch' RNC Moment, Slain Officer's Wife Nearly Weeps Reliving Night Looters Murdered Her Husband Retired policeman David Dorn was slain during St. Louis, Missouri riots back in June. His wife, Ann Dorn, shared his story during the RNC. By Michael Austin August 27, 2020
Courtney Godfrey / Twitter screen shot Looting Sweeps Minneapolis After Murder Suspect Commits Suicide Minneapolis mobs responded to false rumors about a shooting by setting fires and looting major stores downtown. By Jack Davis August 27, 2020
Brandon Bell / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Victor Davis Hanson Answers the Ultimate Question About Riots - Here's What's Really Going On 'Why do city governments defund police departments at the very moment vulnerable residents are most fearful for their safety?' By Victor Davis Hanson August 26, 2020
Andrew Harnik / AP Trump Announces He's Sending National Guard Into Kenosha, Wisconsin 'Today, I will be sending federal law enforcement and the National Guard to Kenosha, WI to restore Law and Order!' Trump said. By Randy DeSoto August 26, 2020
@DailyCaller / Twitter screen shot 'Armed Citizens' Defend Kenosha Businesses from Rioting and Looting As rioters sought to further damage downtown Kenosha, armed citizens emerged to protect some buildings from being destroyed. By Jack Davis August 25, 2020
Noah Berger / AP 'It's Sickening': Looters Steal Firefighter's Wallet While He's Battling Wildfire While a California firefighter directed efforts to halt a widlfire, someone stole his wallet and then drained his bank account. By Jack Davis August 24, 2020
Scott Olson / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Mike Huckabee: It's Time for Noodle-Spined Leaders To Re-Establish Basic Human Decency in Their Cities 'The "protesters" have destroyed black neighborhoods, attacked black people who opposed them and screamed racist insults at black cops.' By Mike Huckabee August 14, 2020
WMAQ-TV / screen shot BLM Holds Pro-Looting Rally in Chicago: 'That Is Reparations' 'We will not let our city be taken over by criminals and vigilantes, no matter who they are and what they're doing.' By Erin Coates August 11, 2020
Scott Olson / Getty Images Chicago Mayor Warns Looters: 'We Are Coming for You' Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said criminals in her city who looted upscale shopping districts would face consequences after a chaotic riot. By Johnathan Jones August 10, 2020