Mario Tama / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Op-Ed: Bloomberg Tries To Control Others Because He Can't Control Himself What drives Bloomberg to spend his time trying to curtail the freedoms and choices of others, even down to the size of soda they drink? By Karen Kataline February 24, 2020
Spencer Platt / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Dick Morris: A Bloomberg-Clinton Conspiracy To Shaft Bernie? 'If events do actually follow the pattern this column suggests, the results for the Democratic Party will be nothing short of catastrophic.' By Dick Morris February 22, 2020
Mario Tama / Getty Images 'Hillary's #1 Supporter' Now Trying Russia Collusion Narrative on Bernie Sanders Russia is working to help Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont win the Democratic presidential nomination, according to a new report. By Jack Davis February 22, 2020
Michael Kovac / Getty Images for AFI Hollywood Icon Clint Eastwood Makes Surprise Bloomberg Endorsement Bloomberg has just come off a week of poor reviews after his Wednesday performance at the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate debate in Las Vegas. By Erin Coates February 22, 2020
George Frey / Getty Images Bloomberg Media Blitz Backfires as Twitter Begins Purging Pro-Mike Accounts Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg broke Twitter's rules when he hired staffers to flood Twitter with identical messages. By Jack Davis February 22, 2020
George Frey / Getty ImagesCommentary Mini Mike May Brag, But He Kept a Man on His Board Accused of 'Inhuman' Treatment of Women Martin Sorrell was removed from the company he founded because of a work environment that was reportedly like 'being in an abusive relationship.' By C. Douglas Golden February 22, 2020
David Becker / Getty ImagesCommentary Warren Feeds Anti-Cop Hate, Makes It Sound Like Cops Have Abused Every Black Woman in US Even after Wednesday's debate, Elizabeth Warren continued to beat up on Michael Bloomberg. In the process, she managed to impugn police, too.. By C. Douglas Golden February 22, 2020
Craig Warga Photography / Genesis Prize Foundation via Getty ImagesOp-Ed Hollywood Celebrities Won't Help Dems Win in 2020 Recently, actor Michael Douglas visited Wisconsin to promote former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s presidential campaign. By Tawsif Anam February 21, 2020
Michael Ciaglo / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Rob Wasinger: Democratic Party's Self-Destruction Signals a Trump Win in 2020 No wonder the post-impeachment celebration at the White House following the Senate’s exoneration of the president was filled with smiling Republican faces. By Rob Wasinger February 21, 2020
George Frey / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Dan Backer: Las Vegas Debate Shows Bloomberg Can’t Buy the Election The right candidate with the right message will prevail. And, once again, that will be Trump — no matter how much money is spent on the other side. By Dan Backer February 21, 2020