Getty Images Priest Receives 3 Months in Jail for Sitting in Abortion Clinic Too Long A Catholic friar and two other activists with a pro-life group have been convicted of third-degree trespassing. By Matthew Holloway August 6, 2022
JANEK SKARZYNSKI - AFP / Getty Images Ashes of 8,000 Murdered and Robbed People Discovered in 2 Mass Graves in Europe “Its first inmates were Polish POWs, but they were soon replaced by Jews, clergy, intelligentsia and representatives of all other classes" By Andrew Jose July 17, 2022
@thecolumbian / Twitter screen shot Body of American Pilot Killed in World War II Recovered 78 Years Later The body of an American pilot who was killed in 1944's Operation Market Garden has been recovered, and he's coming home. By Richard Moorhead March 28, 2022
Jamie McCarthy / Getty ImagesCommentary Whoopi Might Claim to Be Jewish, But Now Insiders Are Exposing Her Anti-Semitic Past ABC's "The View" co-host Whoopi Goldberg's insensitivity toward Jewish people dates back at least to the 1990s. By Randy DeSoto February 5, 2022
Xavier Laine / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Erickson: As China Wows World with Olympic Grandeur, Remember What Happened After Hitler Did the Same In 1936, Adolf Hitler presided over the Summer Olympics in Berlin. Now, in 2022, Xi Jinping gets his chance in Beijing. By Erick Erickson February 3, 2022
Dave Caulkin / AP Researchers, Retired FBI Agent Reveal Name of Alleged Anne Frank Betrayer Filmmaker Bayens said it wasn't the answer they wanted but that he hopes the discovery reminds people just how atrocious Nazi rule was. By Amanda Thomason January 18, 2022
Phelan M. Ebenhack / APCommentary Left's Evil on Full Display: DeSantis Compared to Hitler Multiple Times By Democrat Opponent 'That’s what dictators do. Instead of listening and trying to govern with the people, he is trying to govern over the people.' By C. Douglas Golden January 16, 2022
Anna Moneymake / Getty ImagesCommentary 'Politicized Thugs': Almost Half of Americans Think FBI Is Biden's 'Personal Gestapo' It isn't hard to guess why so many Americans don't trust the FBI anymore. The bureau has spent years working on it. By Joe Saunders January 5, 2022
@virginianpilot / Twitter screen shotCommentary End of an Era: Last Surviving WWII 'Band of Brothers' Officer Dies at 99 Eddie Shames fought in several battles throughout World War II and even entered Hitler's Eagle's Nest after Germany's surrender. By Cameron Arcand December 8, 2021
@RedCollie1 / Twitter screen shotCommentary 1933 Germany? Hidden Cameras Expose Tyranny in Australia's 'Voluntary' Quarantine Camps Here's a look inside Australia's extraordinarily restrictive quarantine camps and COVID measures. These are repressive policies. By Abby Liebing December 3, 2021