@MikeSington / Twitter screen shot News Anchor Suffers Stroke on Live TV: 'I'm Sorry, Something Is Going on with Me This Morning' This news anchor suffered the beginning of a stroke during a live broadcast and now wants people to be aware of the symptoms. By Abby Liebing September 6, 2022
hip Somodevilla / Getty ImagesCommentary Fearing a Trump Smack-Down, Nation's Top Networks Totally Snubbed Biden Speech Sources said the networks took issue with Biden's attacks against Trump and his supporters just two months before the midterm elections. By Grant Atkinson September 4, 2022
Steven Ferdman / Getty ImagesCommentary Dan Rather Gets More Than He Bargained for When Asking, 'What's Going on at CNN?' While Rather was apparently having trouble piecing these shakeups together, his post was soon flooded with comments explaining it all. By Jared Harris September 3, 2022
Amy E. Price - SXSW / Getty Images Chuck Todd's NBC Spot 'In Jeopardy' Amid Staffing Shakeup and Ratings Woes: Report NBC's Chuck Todd might be in danger of losing his post on Meet the Press with low ratings according to two people 'familiar with the matter.' By Matthew Holloway August 30, 2022
@glennbeck / Twitter screen shotCommentary Rob Schneider Knew 'Saturday Night Live' Was Done For When This Skit Aired: 'I Literally Prayed, Please Have a Joke at the End' 'And there was no joke at the end,' a defeated Schneider told radio host Glenn Beck. 'And I went, 'It's over.'' By C. Douglas Golden August 30, 2022
NBC News / YouTube screen shot Wild-Eyed Woman Slips Out of Cuffs, Discovers Deputy's AR-15 Video footage from the dashcam revealed the stunning incident that unfolded as the woman escaped her handcuffs and reached into the console By Matthew Holloway August 21, 2022
Chandan Khanna - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary Campaign to Unseal Trump Raid Affidavit Got Unlikely Allies, And They Went Straight to the Judge These establishment media outlets have requested that the documents related to the Mar-a-Lago raid be released to the public. By Abby Liebing August 18, 2022
STRINGER - AFP / Getty Images Trump Wanted the American People to See the Truth About Docs - Then the FBI Came for Them: Former WH Official Kash Patel, a former Department of Defense official under President Trump has revealed a key flaw in the Biden Department of Justice's claims By Matthew Holloway August 12, 2022
@BrittanyCadetTV / Twitter screen shot Crew Member Shot and Killed on the Set of NBC's 'Law and Order' A crew member from 'Law & Order' was shot and killed while working on the show's New York City set in Brooklyn. By Abby Liebing July 19, 2022
Jim Vondruska / Getty ImagesCommentary NBC Reporter Floats Insane Rittenhouse Conspiracy Theory About Parade Shooting Michael Beschloss, respected historian and NBC contributor, is either much dumber than he seems or assumes you're that dumb. By C. Douglas Golden July 6, 2022