@PeterLovasco / Twitter screen shot 160-Foot Blade Randomly Detaches from Wind Turbine, Snaps Into 2 Pieces At 7 a.m. Sunday, Gloucester residents awoke to find a curious sight: a three-bladed wind-turbine, some 500 feet tall, had become two-bladed. By Matthew Holloway August 2, 2022
@Reuters / TwitterCommentary Biden Admin Lit Megafire That Burned 432 Homes, Now US Is Forcing Victims to Pay for It 'If you don't have insurance, you're pretty much on your own,' one rancher said. He definitely wasn't joking. By C. Douglas Golden August 2, 2022
@FaithSharks / Twitter screen shot Haunting Message: Suicide Cult Leader's Final Words Revealed The leader, Wayne Bent, of a cult based in New Mexico says he is the Messiah and compares himself to Jesus. By Jack Davis July 31, 2022
Leanna Morgan / Getty Images Las Vegas, NM: 50 Days of Clean Drinking Water Remain, State of Emergency Declared The Gallinas River has a high ash concentration and turbidity. Las Vegas authorities have not been able to extract the water for use. By Andrew Jose July 30, 2022
Bureau of Reclamation / Twitter Farmers Look at Rio Grande and See Terrible Sight for First Time in 40 Years The Rio Grande is running low thanks to drought and officials say they are out of options other than to wait for rain. By Jack Davis July 24, 2022
Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office and Bernalillo County Fire Department / AP Tragedy Strikes as Helicopter Returning from Wildfire Mission Plummets to Ground, Governor Orders Flags to Half-Mast The helicopter was carrying three people with the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office and a county firefighter when it went down Saturday. By The Associated Press July 18, 2022
Facebook screen shot Boy, 11, Found Brutally Stabbed While in Bed, Shocks Cops When Dying Words Reveal Killer An 11-year-old New Mexico boy lived long enough after being stabbed to tell police who inflicted the wounds that killed him. By Jack Davis July 16, 2022
@JeremyCorbell / Twitter screen shotCommentary Filmmaker: Dozens of Naval Crew Recount Deeply Unsettling Contact with 'at Least 100' UFOs Documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell says he has interviewed dozens of witnesses who dispute the official conclusions about the 2019 events. By Richard Bledsoe July 6, 2022
Mario Tama / Getty ImagesCommentary Biden Apparently Thinks $5 Gas Isn't Painful Enough - His EPA Is Attacking America's Largest Oilfield 'Your administration’s announced action is completely discretionary. Thus, you have the power to stop it,' Texas Gov. Greg Abbott told Biden. By Elizabeth Stauffer July 1, 2022
Cedar Attanasio / APCommentary Governor Demands Biden Pay for 100% of Wildfire Damages After Revelation His Administration Started the Megafire When the Biden administration took what should have been beneficial action, they unleashed an unprecedented disaster. By Richard Bledsoe May 31, 2022