Shallotte Police Department Commentary Illegal Alien Arrested After What He Allegedly Did to Minor Girl in Walmart Parking Lot Three illegal immigrants were detained on fraud charges, and one allegedly sexually assaulted a young girl, according to police. By Peter Partoll March 29, 2023
RNC Research / Twitter screen shotCommentary Watch: Biden Handler Caught on Hot Mic Giving Instructions to Joe - 'I'll Help You Get Started' "Yes, sir, down the ramp. Your mark is gonna be the blue one to the left. You got a blue mark," the handler could be heard saying. By C. Douglas Golden March 29, 2023
@nypost / Twitter screen shot Doctors Declared Pastor Brain Dead, Now His Wife Is Sharing an Incredible Update: 'God's Kept Him Here' A North Carolina pastor who was declared dead in August has since gone home to his family and is working to regain his health. By Jack Davis March 16, 2023
@HowertonNews / Twitter Missing 13-Year-Old Girl Found Locked in Shed 1,000 Miles from Home - Sick Suspect Hit with 6 Charges A 13-year-old girl who went missing in Texas has been found in North Carolina, and a North Carolina man faces charges. By Jack Davis March 13, 2023
@FoxNews / Twitter EMT Accused of Despicable Act While Alone with Girl in Back of Ambulance A North Carolina paramedic has been charged with the sexual assault of a 17-year-old girl. He was released after 37 minutes in jail. By Carson Choate March 12, 2023
Associated Press Two Texas Sisters and a Friend Go Missing During Trip to Mexico Police said the women were traveling in a green mid-1990s Chevy Silverado to a flea market in the city of Montemorelos. By The Associated Press March 10, 2023
@EdPiotrowski / Twitter screen shots Watch: Workers Fell Massive Pine Tree, When It Hits the Ground You'll Understand Why Nobody's Rushing to It This video is the stuff of nightmares for the tens of millions of Americans who suffer from pollen allergies. By Richard Moorhead March 9, 2023
@NC_Governor / Twitter Century-Old Paper Mill to Abruptly Close, Grown Men Seen Crying as 1,100 Set to Lose Jobs Aside from an audible gasp from the audience, workers reportedly received the announcement in "stunned silence." By Lorri Wickenhauser March 9, 2023
Christopher E. Zimmer / Shutterstock 4 Americans Missing in Mexico, Feared Kidnapped or Even Worse as US State Department Warns 'Do Not Travel' Victims of violence in the area often go uncounted, because the cartels have a history taking bodies of their own with them. By The Associated Press March 5, 2023
Hannah Schoenbaum / AP Republican Elected Officials Rammed by Vehicle Several Times on Interstate Two North Carolina Republicans were traveling in a vehicle that was hit repeatedly by another car on the highway. By Johnathan Jones February 24, 2023