The show's producer has once again revealed his deep and abiding hatred for the president in remarks that reveal more about his own problems than Trump's.
The Air Force released its 2018 Electromagnetic Defense Task Force report last week, which concluded that an electromagnetic pulse — generated either by a nuclear weapon or solar flare — could cripple systems that rely on the electromagnetic spectrum.
"I’ve met a few Americans in my travels. They are an ornery people who don’t give in to the kind of bullying you advocate. So, you’re going to have to kill some people to do what you want, and I just want to know how many you’re prepared to off to achieve your goal."
It was the first time the North said it could potentially resume weapons tests and other development activities since Kim signaled a new state policy in April.
It is difficult for a nation to proclaim that it is "fully prepared" for a war with the U.S. when its one and only aircraft carrier is taken out of commission by a dock accident.