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Tag: Obamacare
Idaho Just Showed the Rest of America How to Get Around Obamacare
“…a choice that allows the middle class to get back into insurance coverage.”
Waters Caught Steering $1.2 Billion to Obama Flunkies
Small Business Owners Deliver a Big Message to Trump About His Policies
“As revealed in these survey results, small business owners and their employees are solidly behind the policy pursuits of President Trump.”
Trump's HHS Targets Obama's Legacy with New Religious Freedom Division
“We face today a time of rising religious persecution.”
Report: Obama Responsible for Opioid Epidemic
Democrats Would Rather Protect 800,000 Illegal Immigrants Than Pay America's Active Duty Military
“A resolution to the DACA issue must be part of a global deal on the budget.”
Kentucky Slams the Hammer Down on Medicaid Recipients, Tells Them to Start Working
President Donald Trump and his administration recently sparked the fury of big government Democrats when they announced that they were open to individual states adding work requirements to their Medicaid […]
Obamacare-Obsessed Cali Brought to Its Knees by the Flu
One of the main criticisms of socialized health care — including Obamacare — is that “coverage” doesn’t mean “care.” In an inefficient medical system, having government-mandated insurance on paper doesn’t […]
Dick Morris: Trump Will End Obamacare as We Know It
“If, as Democrats contend, Trump is losing it mentally, he must still have something upstairs to come up with so deft a way of reforming Obamacare by regulation.”