Michael Dwyer / AP Photo US Trade Deficit Skyrockets, Causing Expert to Warn of Economy Going 'Over the Cliff' “This will bring down second-quarter estimates of real GDP growth closer to the 1% stall speed where bad things can happen." By Jason Cohen June 7, 2023
Win McNamee / Getty Images Biden Admin Closes Off More Land to Oil and Gas Drilling with New 20-Year Moratorium The Navajo Nation was among those opposing the Biden administration's 20-year moratorium on new oil and gas drilling leases. By John Hugh DeMastri June 2, 2023
@redstreamnet / Twitter video screen shot Video: Climate Protesters Attempting to Block Oil Meeting Sent Scrambling When Police Step In “We have no choice but to be here every single time they are here,” one demonstrator told the Associated Press. By The Associated Press May 26, 2023
industryview / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Op-Ed: Oil Companies Must Defend Their Product Before 'Green' Policies Tank Our Quality of Life Oil companies often actively participate in self-flagellation and apologize for their product. It's time they sang a different tune. By Linnea Lueken May 25, 2023
Matthew Brown / AP Land for Cattle Grazing, Oil Drilling Would Be Up for Lease to Conservationists Under New Biden Administration Proposal Wyoming Republican Sen. John Barasso has berated the idea as “giving radicals a new tool to shut out the public.” By The Associated Press May 14, 2023
@IranIntl_En / Twitter screen shot Texas-Bound Oil Tanker Seized by Hostile Foreign Navy About 20 percent of all crude oil that is shipped globally passes through the narrow Strait of Hormuz in the Gulf of Oman. By Johnathan Jones April 27, 2023
Evan Vucci / AP Biden Administration Announces Strictest Gas Vehicle Rules Ever in Bid to Force Them Off the Road Starting April 18, new requirements by the Treasury Department will result in fewer new EVs qualifying for a full $7,500 federal tax credit. By The Associated Press April 12, 2023
Monjasa / screen shot Oil Tanker Goes Missing, Loses Radio Communications After Being Boarded by Pirates In June, the U.N. Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution strongly condemning piracy, armed robbery and hostage-taking in the area. By The Associated Press March 28, 2023
Andrew Harnik / AP Photo Biden Enrages Climate Activists by Approving Major Oil Drilling Project: Report The project, located in the federally designated National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, enjoys widespread political support in the state. By The Associated Press March 13, 2023
Saul Loeb - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary Alaska Bracing for 'End of Oil in America' Thanks to Joe Biden It appears Biden assesses a situation, identifies which decision would be most beneficial to Americans, and then goes in the other direction. By Johnathan Jones March 8, 2023