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Tag: Planned Parenthood
Mag: Sex Worker Stormy Daniels 'American Hero' for Plans to Donate to Planned Parenthood
In the eyes of the progressive left, promising to donate money to an organization that slaughters unborn babies can earn you "hero" status.
Creator of Politifact Publishes Planned Parenthood Fake News
“There was no surge; there was a purge.”
Planned Parenthood Fined for Failing To Disclose Clinton Contributions as Required by Law
The abortion group has promised to spend $20 million to elect pro-abortion candidates in 2018.
Neb. Lawmakers Finalize Bill to Completely Defund Planned Parenthood
‘Clinics would need to show physical, financial and legal separation from abortion services.’
Disney Princess Who Had Abortion Issues Statement Every Young Woman Needs to Hear
It wasn’t what Planned Parenthood was looking for …
Pro-Gun Personality Has Golden Response to Demands for Liberal Disney Princesses
Liberals are only pro-choice if you make the decisions they support.
Planned Parenthood Wants Your Kids' Role Models to Have Had Abortions
But social media hit back hard …
Parents Furious After Planned Parenthood Shows up at Middle School Health Fair
The school was forced to apologize.
Congress Betrays Its Most Vulnerable Constituents With Lethal Inclusion in Spending Bill
They just betrayed their conservative base -- and the innocent lives of the unborn.