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Tag: Planned Parenthood
Legislation Further Strangles Abortion Clinics With Damning New Rule
Trump Crushes Planned Parenthood's Dreams With Brutal Budget Move
Whenever you see the words “family planning” associated with government grants, you can safely assume it’s merely a euphemism for abortion — at least, when Democrats control the purse strings. […]
Pro-Choice Dem Issues Sickeningly Tone-Deaf Comment on FL Shooting
California Sen. Kamala Harris, an avid pro-abortion advocate with close ties to Planned Parenthood, responded to last week’s mass shooting in Florida by issuing a tone-deaf comment regarding gun control. “This […]
Planned Parenthood Is Letting Uninformed Teens Teach Sex Ed to Other Teens
“Research shows that parent engagement in schools is closely linked to better student behavior, higher academic achievement, and enhanced social skills.”
Angela Box: Modern Feminism Is Destroying Women
“Remember the days of the suffragette — those brave women who valiantly fought for women to have the right to vote?”
US Senator's Passionate Pro-Life Speech Has Already Garnered 4.3 Million Views
“These are not mice, these are not lab rats, these are children.”
The Numbers Are In: Here's Exactly How Many Babies Were Murdered Under Cecile Richards
Former Employee Exposes Planned Parenthood's True Goal
The final straw came after witnessing …
Report - President of Planned Parenthood to Step Down; Pro-Life Groups Respond
“…abortion above all else…”