Shutterstock Texas State Gov't Comes to Aid of School Sued for Expelling Student over Pledge As usual, the left missed the point. By Malachi Bailey September 26, 2018
Shutterstock Chairman Leaves After School Board Votes To Open Each Meeting with the Pledge Josh Adams resigned as chairman of the New Hartford School Board in Connecticut, saying he does not pledge allegiance to anything. By Jack Davis August 28, 2018
Michael Zagaris/ San Francisco 49ers/ Getty Images Opinion: Kneeling for The Pledge and the Anthem Is Misguided and Ineffective 'To compare the act of singing the national anthem to songs of slavery is incredibly misguided.' By Elad Hakim August 16, 2018
Kinzie+Riehm/Getty Images School Cancels Daily Pledge of Allegiance for Something More 'Positive' The school revealed the pledge will be replaced with the more inclusive 'Wolf Pack Chant.' By Liz Boselli August 9, 2018
Screenshot/Kyle Morris/Twitter Black Veteran Goes Scorched Earth On Pathetic Dem Councilwoman Kneeling During Pledge This veteran and town resident wasn't about to stand idly by while an elected official disrespected the flag and those who've fought on behalf of the nation it represents. By Ben Marquis August 3, 2018
screenshot/Fox News Dem Official Kneels During Pledge. Vietnam Vet Teaches Her Fiery Lesson. Crowd Cheers. 'As it says on my shirt, if you don't like the flag I'll help you pack your bags and get the heck out of here.' By C. Douglas Golden August 3, 2018
Screenshot/Fox News Small Town Connecticut Community in Uproar After Official Kneels for Pledge of Allegiance "This town is fascist and racist." By Chris Agee August 1, 2018
(Screenshot/Haddam Courant) Watch: Democrat Lawmaker Kneels During Pledge in Protest of Trump Connecticut's selectwoman Melissa Schlag has recently acted in protest against the president by kneeling during the Pledge of Allegiance. By Erin Shortall July 26, 2018
Former Police Officer Has Perfect Solution for School Failing to Display American Flag He put his money where his mouth is to teach American values to this class.... By Benjamin Arie March 24, 2018