MRCNewsbusters screen shotCommentary MSNBC Panel Declares Thanksgiving 'Colonizer Christmas' with Links to Cannibalism In a segment on 'AM Joy,' panelists found new and unique ways to trash Thanksgiving as politicians find new ways we can't celebrate. By C. Douglas Golden November 24, 2020
Jon Super / AFP via Getty ImagesCommentary Inquiry Reveals Manchester Concert Bomber Was Identified by Security, Ignored Out of 'Racism' Fears A safety officer should not be afraid to do his job because the woke scolds might get upset and attempt to shame, dox and cancel him. By Erin Erhardt October 29, 2020
Kevin Dietsch - Pool / Getty Images San Francisco Lists 44 Schools as Candidates To Be Renamed, Including Dianne Feinstein Elementary A school named after Dianne Feinstein may be renamed because Feinstein replaced a vandalized Confederate flag in the 1980s. By Jennifer Jean Miller October 24, 2020
Roman Chazov / ShutterstockCommentary University of Minnesota Treats Whiteness Like Mental Illness, Offers 12-Step Program To Beat It If you're white, Cristina Combs has a surefire way to beat it, all modeled on the methods of Alcoholics Anonymous. By C. Douglas Golden October 17, 2020
Carolyn Kaster / AP Biden Again Pledges To Sign Bill That Would Force Public Schools To Allow Male Athletes Into Girls’ Sports The Equality Act passed the House with unanimous Democratic support in May 2019, but failed to come up for a vote in the Senate. By Peter Hasson October 16, 2020
Sharaf Maksumov / ShutterstockCommentary Dems Redefine 'Preference' To Attack ACB; Merriam-Webster Meekly Follows Their Lead The left sees even the truth itself as a tool that can be contorted and manipulated to further their goals. By Michael Austin October 15, 2020
John Amis / AFP via Getty ImagesCommentary The Upper Cut: The AP Is Covering Up the Truth on Riots & The Western Journal Will Not Cooperate 'With changes like this, the AP will render itself irrelevant to all but the wokest of the woke within a couple more years anyway.' By George C. Upper III October 9, 2020
KTTV / Twitter screen shotCommentary TV Hit 'Cops' Is Returning to Television, But There's One Big Catch Liberals claimed getting the police reality show canceled was a victory, but does anyone think showing real cops in action is a bad idea?: By Jared Harris October 5, 2020
Kevin C. Cox / Getty Images One Lone Player Stands for the Anthem as NBA Finals Get Underway Just a single player for the Miami Heat stood for the national anthem prior to the first game of the NBA Finals on Wednesday. By Johnathan Jones October 1, 2020
Alex Wong / Getty ImagesCommentary Princeton Declares Itself Racist for PC Points, So Trump Admin Opens an Investigation 'Racist assumptions from the past also remain embedded in structures of the University itself,' Princeton's president had said. By C. Douglas Golden September 27, 2020