Vatican Pool / Getty Images Pope Francis Angers Conservative Catholics with 'Stunning' Ban on Latin Mass 'The lack of mercy shown here toward traditional Catholics, Benedict XVI and the young laity and clergy drawn to the Latin Mass is stunning.' By Erin Coates July 16, 2021
Olivier Matthys - Pool - AFP / Getty Images As Catholic Churches Burn to the Ground in Canada, Justin Trudeau Is Saying Pope Francis Is the One That Should Be Apologizing Justin Trudeau says it is the pope who must apologize for the mass graves found at residential schools for Canada's Indian children. By Jack Davis June 28, 2021
The Western Journal 'WJ Live': Biden Border Crisis - CBP Finds 33 Illegal Immigrants Crammed Inside U-Haul Twelve of those rescued on the 100-degree day required hospitalization. This incident should concern people on both sides of the aisle. By Kayla Kunkel June 18, 2021
Brendan Smialowski - AFP / Getty Images Report: Pope Francis Just Rejected a Major Request from Biden The bishops' vote will decide if Catholic politicians who support abortion should be barred from receiving Communion. By Erin Coates June 17, 2021
Tekee Tanwar - AFP / Getty Images Dear New York Times, Mother Teresa Was Not a Cult Leader A New York Times contributor claiming that St. Teresa was a cult leader reveals more about the culture's failings than that of the saint's. By Eric Nanneman May 25, 2021
Mike Cohen / Getty Images White House Announces Massive International Climate Summit with Bill Gates as Featured Speaker 'We are encouraging the development of new net-zero energy technologies, championing policies that speed innovation from lab to market.' By Erin Coates April 21, 2021
@POTUS / Twitter screen shotCommentary Watch: Bidens Neglect to Say 'Jesus' During Easter Message, Use It to Push Vaccine Biden was afraid to mention Jesus but wasn't afraid to politize Easter in a short video message posted on Twitter. By Isa Ryan April 5, 2021
Tiziana Fabi - Pool / AP Pope Stands His Ground, Forbids Priests from Blessing Gay Unions Francis has endorsed providing gay couples with legal protections in same-sex unions, but not within the church. By The Associated Press March 15, 2021
Hadi Mizban / AP Iraq's Beleaguered Christians Cling to Faith After 20 Years of Brutal Persecution Two decades of violent persecution has left Iraq's ancient Christian communities scattered and in ruins. By The Associated Press March 4, 2021
Vatican / Pool / Getty Images Pope Francis Calls on Biden to Respect the 'Rights and Dignity' of 'Those Who Have No Voice' Pope Francis asked Joe Biden to respect the rights of 'those who have no voice' in a message to the new president. By Mary Margaret Olohan January 20, 2021