Image Source / Getty ImagesCommentary Groundbreaking Research Shows Pics of Babies Expressing Emotion in Womb - Reacting to Food New groundbreaking research shows that babies in their mothers' wombs react when given different types of foods. By Jared Miller September 26, 2022
@JhWesten / TwitterCommentary Weaponized DOJ Sends Dozens of Armed Feds to Raid Terrified Pro-Life Family 'Please, I’m going to open the door, but, please, my children are in the home. I have seven babies in the house.' By Elizabeth Stauffer September 26, 2022
Made360 / ShutterstockOp-Ed Op-Ed: The Time for Christian Citizens to Act Is Now Christians must fulfill their civic and moral responsibility to vote to restore our sweet land of liberty before it's too late. By Gary Bauer and Dr. James Dobson September 25, 2022
Dr. Phil / YouTube screen shotCommentary Lone Pro-Life Woman Expertly Fends Off 6-on-1 Pro-Abortion Onslaught on 'Dr. Phil' 'Whether you live 10 minutes, or 10 years, or 100 years, you're a human life and you have the right to not be killed,' she said. By Samantha Chang September 14, 2022
@RNCResearch / Twitter screen shotCommentary Watch: PA Dem Fetterman Makes Bizarre Name Change at Pro-Abortion Campaign Rally The name change was supposed to signifiy his support for women to abort their children whenever they see fit. By C. Douglas Golden September 13, 2022
Morgan Lee / APCommentary Abortion-Obsessed Governor to Spend $10 Million to Bring Death to Texas State Line 'New Mexico will continue to not only protect access to abortion, but to expand and strengthen reproductive health care throughout the state.' By C. Douglas Golden September 3, 2022
Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images Pelosi Uses Women's Holiday to Shell Out Attacks on Pro-Life Women On Friday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi spoke regarding abortion for 'Women’s Equality Day' in San Francisco. By Maire Clayton August 31, 2022
Patriot MobileSponsored Epic: Conservative Wireless Provider Decides to Give Libs Taste of Their Own Medicine, Helps Flip 4 Woke School Boards The company's mission is "to passionately defend our God-given, Constitutional rights and freedoms and to glorify God always." By Sponsored Content August 29, 2022
Richard Vogel - File / AP Yelp Singles Out Pro-Life Clinics with Deceptive Warning Label Now both the Yelp site and the mobile application will apply a prominent 'consumer notice' to religious and secular crisis pregnancy centers. By Matthew Holloway August 23, 2022
@LifeNewsHQ / Twitter screen shotCommentary Video: Woman Builds Altar for 'Sacred Abortion Experience' Including Container for 'Fetal Remains' 'It's a really beautiful way to just give reference to the experience and hold the experience in a really sacred way,' the woman said. By C. Douglas Golden August 7, 2022