Fox 11 Los Angeles / YouTube screen shot Outraged Moms and Dads Temporarily Halt School's Proposed Planned Parenthood Clinic Under California law, 'minors have the right to consent to reproductive health services without parental consent or notification.' By Reagan Reese July 19, 2022
mrcTV / Video screen shotCommentary Crisis Pregnancy Center Director Tells Congress How She's Had to Protect Herself from Violent, Machete-Wielding Leftists 'We have been forced to expend valuable resources - resources for women - of up to $150,000 just to protect ourselves. Why?' By C. Douglas Golden July 19, 2022
Fred De Noyelle /GODONGOp-Ed Joseph: As Pro-Abortion Fanatics Scream About 'Choice,' Remember the Decision That Was Made in Eden We have the dignity of being able to discern not just our right to choose but our duty to choose good over evil. By Rita Joseph July 17, 2022
Simona Sirio / Shutterstock California Doctor Wants to Put Floating Abortion Clinic Offshore of Southern States 'We have to create options and be thoughtful and creative to help people in restrictive states get the health care they deserve.' By Grant Atkinson July 11, 2022
Denis Doyle / Getty Images Biden Planning Surprising Move of Appointing a Pro-Life Conservative to Federal Judge Role: Report President Joe Biden may be considering a conservative attorney, former Kentucky Solicitor General Chad Meredith. By Jack Davis June 30, 2022
Olivier Douliery - AFP / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Op-Ed: Roe Is Over, Now We Need to Look to the States and Be Ready to Care for These Babies Roe v. Wade has finally fallen. Now, America has an opportunity to reaffirm a culture of life. By Paula White-Cain June 28, 2022
BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary 'Tolerant' Leftists Now Fantasizing About Justice Barrett Being Raped Leftists have justified their disgusting comments by saying she lied about overturning Roe v. Wade during the confirmation process. By Grant Atkinson June 28, 2022
@MarketWatch / TwitterCommentary God's Blessing? The Markets Broke a 3-Week Losing Streak the Day Roe v. Wade Died Was it a sign of something bigger? We can't be certain, but the stock market's movement put one liberal claim about abortion to rest. By C. Douglas Golden June 27, 2022
@AGEricSchmitt / Twitter screen shotCommentary As Weekend Closes on Historic SCOTUS Decision, Red States Forming a Vanguard with More Likely to Join the Ranks It's amazing news for the conservative cause, and the best is yet to come -- particularly in other GOP-led states. By C. Douglas Golden June 26, 2022
@libsoftiktok / Twitter screen shotCommentary 'Demonic' Abortion Video Unearthed by Libs of TikTok Shows Why Left Wants to Dox, Ban Them The account has been suspended multiple times by various social media services. That's because they expose the left's agenda. By C. Douglas Golden June 26, 2022