Allison Joyce / Getty ImagesCommentary Red Tsunami: Black Support Explodes 7x for GOP, Hispanic Support Soars, Setting Up Landslide in November A new poll finds that more and more Hispanic and black voters are abandoning the Democratic Party. By Elizabeth Stauffer May 3, 2022
Steven Martin / FlickrCommentary Historic Church's Woke New Spin on Lent Includes 'Fasting from Whiteness' and Race-Based Liturgy Overhaul Worship services will exclude 'any music or liturgy written or composed by white people,' according to the church's website. By Elizabeth Stauffer April 6, 2022
MSNBC / YouTube screen shotCommentary MSNBC Host on Will Smith Slap: 'White Folks' Need to Sit This One Out, It's a 'Family Talk' 'So it's hard to explain to a white person what the difference between an open-handed slap and a punch is,' one panelist said. By Elizabeth Stauffer April 5, 2022
Dake Kang / AP Mom and Pop Bakery Slandered as Racist Is Vindicated by Unanimous Panel of Judges, College That Sought to Ruin Them Faces Monumental Punishment A college that tried to paint a family business as racist has lost another court battle and will now face a record punishment. By Jack Davis April 3, 2022
Rob Carr / Getty ImagesCommentary NFL Institutes Blatantly Racist Hiring Mandate: Every Team Must Follow This One Rule While both the NFL and woke sports media attempted to paint this mandate as a positive development for minorities, it is the opposite. By Grant Atkinson March 29, 2022
Kerem Yucel - AFP / Getty Images 'Black Lives Matter' Accused of 'Clear Violation of IRS Rules,' Charity Status Reportedly at Risk One expert said the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation's actions appear to be a 'clear violation of the IRS rules.' By Jack Davis March 25, 2022
Anna Moneymaker / Getty ImagesCommentary Biden SCOTUS Nominee Praised Incendiary, Fact-Challenged '1619 Project' in Speech She said 'it is Jones’s provocative thesis that the America that was born in 1776 was not the perfect union that it purported to be.' By C. Douglas Golden March 18, 2022
Amy Sussman / Getty ImagesCommentary Director Was Toast of Woke Crowd After She Called Hollywood Legend 'Sexist' - Then the Mob Turned on Her 'The arrogance and ignorance of Jane Campion,' one critic said in a tweet. He wasn't the only one who wanted her hide. By C. Douglas Golden March 15, 2022
@FOX13News / TwitterCommentary Laughable 'Sentence' Given to Angry Employee Who Fatally Punched Elder Because of a Racial Slur The 27-year-old defendant had been charged with manslaughter but pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of felony battery. By Grant Atkinson March 9, 2022
@MelWingKCRA / Twitter screen shot School District's 'Race and Equity Monitor' Declares Vile Graffiti Is Not Racist Because a Black Girl Wrote It Racist grafitti is not racist when written by a black student, a California school district's racial monitor claims. By Jack Davis February 20, 2022