Unchained Giuliani Calls Maxine's Bluff: 'Say It! Say Impeachment, Sweetheart!'
‘You’re going to go down.’
‘You’re going to go down.’
‘Still, it appears like a significant concession — which may be the special counsel’s real purpose. Now that the president and his lawyers are secure in the knowledge that Trump won’t be indicted, they may be more likely to agree to an interview.’
‘They can’t indict. At least they acknowledged that to us.’
President Donald Trump’s new personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, believes it would be a bad idea for the president to testify under oath before a grand jury regarding special counsel Robert […]
‘That’s your doing. That’s your stink.’
‘Rudy is a great guy but just started a day ago…’
Following a series of media appearances in which Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani made assertions contrary to previous White House statements, President Donald Trump on Friday publicly distanced himself from the […]
‘I actually didn’t use that term.’