Pedro Pardo - AFP / Getty Images Biden Admin Slammed for 'Blatantly Unlawful' Plan to 'Airlift' Family of Illegal Immigrants Into US The new program would allow the children of illegal immigrants to be flown from Central America to the US at the expense of taxpayers. By Dillon Burroughs June 16, 2021
Al-Jazeera via Getty Images Terror Hostages Hung Out to Dry by Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal, Advocates Report The departure of all US military forces from Afghanistan will make counterterrorism operations more difficult. By The Associated Press June 8, 2021
Sergei Grits / APCommentary Biden Admin Threatens to Involve US in Another Foreign War as State Department Issues Demanding Statement on Faraway Mountain Conflict In a conflict where the opposing sides are backed by Turkey and Russia, Biden's State Department appears to want to enter the fray. By C. Douglas Golden May 29, 2021
David Goldman / APCommentary GOP States Issue Warning to Banks: Drop Coal or Gas and We'll Drop You Fifteen treasurers from Republican-majority states threatened to divest from banks that discriminate against the energy industry. By Johnathan Jones May 28, 2021
Alex Brandon - Pool - AFP / Getty Images Biden Admin Announces Major Aid Money and Controversial Consulate for Palestinians 'This new assistance comes on top of significant support the United States has recently committed and resumed to the Palestinian Authority.' By Johnathan Jones May 25, 2021
Stefani Reynolds - Pool / Getty Images Biden State Dept. Official: US Could Be Aiding Hamas Terrorists, 'No Guarantee' Where Money Goes The Biden administaiton admitted Hamas might go on a rocket-buying spree with aid supposedly earmarked to rebuild Gaza. By Jack Davis May 24, 2021
Arun Sankar - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary American Citizens Advised to Leave 1.3 Billion-Strong Country Immediately, US Consulate Begins Shutting Down Services Both the State Department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued Level 4 warnings for the country - the highest there is. By C. Douglas Golden April 30, 2021
Iranian Presidency Office via AP US and Iran to Hold Nuclear Talks - with One Big Caveat In a diplomatic version of parallel play, the US and Iran will start a process that could revive the nuclear deal torn up by President Trump. By Jack Davis April 5, 2021
Hector Retamal / AFP via Getty Images US Leads Countries Coming Down on Chinese Interference in WHO's COVID Investigation The US and 13 other countries issued a joint statement condemning Chinese influence in WHO’s investigation into the origins of the pandemic. By Andrew Kerr March 30, 2021
Showcake / ShutterstockCommentary US Officials Say China Subjected American Diplomats to COVID Anal Swab Biden’s State Department allowed American diplomats in China to be humiliated by anal swab COVID-19 tests, according to reports. By Johnathan Jones February 26, 2021