State Department Confirms 4 Americans Killed by Taliban in Hotel Terror Attack
“Carried out by six Taliban gunmen wearing suicide vests, the 13-hour siege at the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul left 22 people dead, including 14 foreigners.”
“Carried out by six Taliban gunmen wearing suicide vests, the 13-hour siege at the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul left 22 people dead, including 14 foreigners.”
“…serious risk of arrest and long-term detention…”
“The State Department’s travel advisory system now uses four tiers: ‘exercise normal precautions,’ ‘exercise increased caution,’ ‘reconsider travel’ and ‘do not travel.'”
“There’s a new sheriff in town.”
“Deep State Justice Dept. must finally act.”
“WikiLeaks couldn’t stand it anymore.”