Jose Luis Magana / AP Photo Democrat Subcommittee Chair Leaves Out 'So Help You God' from Oath This is what you voted for, America. This is #TheResistance in action. By C. Douglas Golden February 9, 2019
@Trump454545 / Twitter screen shot Do You Think This Clip Shows a Senior Dem. Threatening a New Dem. Sen. for Applauding Trump? As Sen. Kyrsten Sinema stood up to applaud for America, cameras caught Sen. Jacky Rosen informing her that she had stepped out of line. By Jared Harris February 8, 2019
Doug Mills-Pool / Getty Images Polling for Day After SOTU Is Out and It's an Epic Win for Donald Trump Trump's numbers are up six points this month in the Rasmussen survey. By C. Douglas Golden February 8, 2019
Rich Pedroncelli / AP Photo; Andrew Harnik / AP Photo Pelosi's Own Daughter Responds to Mom's 'Applause' During SOTU & She's Pretty Blunt If there was any doubt that Speaker Nancy Pelosi's clapping was intentionally rude, a tweet from another Pelosi, daughter Christine, put that to rest. By Malachi Bailey February 7, 2019
TheDC Shorts / YouTube screen shots Watch: Mike Pence Helps Collapsed Man Mid-Speech, Continues on with Unflappable Poise Vice President Mike Pence leaped into action when he was needed during a speech to the Coast Guard. By Jack Davis February 7, 2019
NBC News / Twitter screen shot Trump's SOTU Guest Has Incredible Story About How He Found Jesus in the Worst of Places The story of Matthew Charles' redemption in prison and transformation in Christ was highlighted by President Trump in his speech. By Ben Marquis February 7, 2019
Dan Crenshaw Rolls Out Incredible New Eyepatch for Trump's SOTU, Instantly Goes Viral Crenshaw is a class act, and his custom-made wardrobe addition just stole the show. By Benjamin Arie February 7, 2019
Win McNamee / Getty Images White House Tweets Moving Images of Special Guests During State of the Union Trump honored several special guests during his address, and touching images of those special guests were tweeted during the address. By Savannah Pointer February 6, 2019
Alex Wong / Getty Images Creepy Shot at SOTU Shows Schumer Looking Like a Literal Imp as Trump Defends Babies Democratic leader Sen. Chuck Schumer looked like a ghoulish imp as Trump spoke of protecting the unborn from the murderous abortions promoted by Democrats. By Ben Marquis February 6, 2019
Alex Wong / Getty Images Flashback: Twitter Turns on Ocasio-Cortez After Childish SOTU Behavior Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is known to be the darling of Twitter, but she's taking some heat for her behavior during the State of the Union address. By Savannah Pointer February 6, 2019