@HAKgroenten / Twitter European Agriculture Takes Devastating Blow - Popular Vegetable Brand Forced Into 6-Week Production Halt The energy crisis in Europe is threatening food production, and this Dutch vegetable brand is having to stop production. By Abby Liebing October 4, 2022
Sem van der Wal - ANP / AFP / Getty Images Dutch Farmers' Long Battle Against Dystopian Legislation Takes a Major Turn as Key Official Abruptly Quits The Dutch minister at the forefront of the effort to impose emissions limits on farmers has given up the task and resigned his position. By Jack Davis September 8, 2022
Paul Ellis - Pool / Getty Images Bezos Slinks Away After Fed-Up Locals Announce Creative Revenge for Plan to Clear the River for His Mega-Yacht Residents were outraged after it was announced that a beloved local bridge would be dismantled to make way for Bezos' 417-foot yacht. By Michael Austin August 4, 2022
@RadioGenova / Twitter screen shot Watch: Fed-Up Dutch Farmers Flood Highways with Huge Swaths of Manure, Burning Hay in Protest of Gov "The police are investigating who is responsible for this," several police agencies said after the farmers' disruptions caused a road accident. By Andrew Jose July 27, 2022
REMKO DE WAAL- ANP - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary Second-Generation Dairy Farmer Forced to Cull 95% of Herd Over Environmental Regulations The Netherlands wants to reduce emissions of two pollutants by 50 percent across the country by the year 2030. By Grant Atkinson July 17, 2022
Dimitrios Kambouris / Getty Images; @TheRealKeean / Twitter screen shot Bill Gates-Backed Food Center Burned to the Ground, Fire Might Have Been Sparked by Electric Delivery Van 'Hybrid electrics, which have both a high voltage battery and an internal combustion engine, have a 3.4% likelihood of vehicle fires.' By Andrew Jose July 11, 2022
ROBIN VAN LONKHUIJSEN - ANP - AFP / Getty Images Police Open Fire on Farmer, Claim Tractor Was Coming at Them - Video Tells Different Story 'The investigation into the incident is underway. This is an investigation led by the public prosecutor into the facts and circumstances.' By Andrew Jose July 7, 2022
@RadioGenova / Twitter video screen shot Farmers Rise Up, Block Highways with Their Tractors in Protest of Climate Tyranny The government claims that its crackdown on farmers amid a global food crisis is an 'unavoidable transition' to improve the environment. By Andrew Jose July 1, 2022
Andrei_R / Shutterstock Mysterious Disease Outbreak Among Children Spreads to US As the disease spreads from Europe to the US, the World Health Organization said it is 'very likely' more cases will be detected. By The Associated Press April 19, 2022
Ng Han Guan / APCommentary Athletes Given an Unprecedented Warning Before Competing in Beijing Winter Olympics Despite evidence of abuses from the Chinese Communist Party, the 2022 Olympics are still set to take place in Beijing, China, next month. By Grant Atkinson January 13, 2022