Judge Sentences Chiefs Fan Who Shined Laser in Tom Brady's Face During AFC Championship Game to $500 Fine Dwyan Morgan, 64, of Lee's Summit, Missouri, was cited for disturbing the peace. He pleaded guilty and was hit with a $500 fine. By Ross Kelly July 18, 2019
Rob Gronkowski Catches Passes from Tom Brady in Private Workout Gronkowski confirmed he worked out with Brady, saying, 'Tom needs someone to throw to so, you know, he calls Mr. Reliable Robbie G, the one and only!' By Ross Kelly July 9, 2019
Watch: Tom Brady Shows He's Somehow More Athletic at 41 Than When He Entered the League Already the NFL's oldest non-kicker/punter, Tom Brady is a month shy of his 42nd birthday. But he's still out to prove that age is just a number. By Ross Kelly July 6, 2019
Tom Brady Buries the Hatchet with Surprise Pic with Longtime Rival And comedian Kevin Hart posted the response that plenty of other people were probably thinking: 'Well this changes everything.' By Ross Kelly June 26, 2019
Tom Brady Accused of Giving a 'False Sworn Statement to the Government' When Brady tried to trademark the nickname 'Tom Terrific,' he was beset by a horde of angry New York Mets fans. But that might not be the worst of it. By Fox Doucette June 7, 2019
Tom Brady's Cryptic Message Ignites Frenzy of Retirement Speculation Apparently, Patriots fans need to study up on their hip-hop references, because a quote from Jay-Z had some of them thinking Brady was nearing retirement. By Fox Doucette June 5, 2019
Tom Brady Somehow Manages To Enrage New York Mets Fans Plenty of athletes end up with nicknames that once belonged to past sports starst. Not many of those athletes then try to trademark them, though. By Fox Doucette June 4, 2019
Stephan Savoia / AP Former Player Reveals How Bill Belichick Belittles Tom Brady: 'Christmas Come Early?' Former New England fullback Heath Evans talked about how coach Bill Belichick called out Tom Brady in front of his teammates. By Ross Kelly May 14, 2019
Kevin C. Cox / Getty Images Tom Brady Explains Why He Doesn't Mind Not Being Among the NFL's Highest-Paid QBs 'I think the thing I've always felt for me, and my life, winning has been a priority - and my wife makes a lot of money,' Brady told Jimmy Kimmel. By Ross Kelly May 3, 2019
Ric Tapia / AP Watch: Tim Tebow Raves About Why Tom Brady Is 'the Best' Tim Tebow's NFL path crossed Tom Brady's only briefly, but Tebow came away deeply impressed by the six-time Super Bowl champion. By Fox Doucette April 13, 2019