Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images Biden Claims to Have Been Accepted to Naval Academy in Speech - Was Later Disqualified for Military Service President Joe Biden claimed to have been accepted to the Naval Academy in 1965, but the dates don't add up. By Richard Moorhead May 27, 2022
G Fiume / Getty Images US Officer Risked It All Refusing Pentagon Vaccine Order, Navy Board Unanimously Confirmed He Did the Right Thing Finally, we see a win against military COVID-19 vaccine mandates, but will it be the first of many? Only time will tell. By Warner Todd Huston May 23, 2022
(Iranian Army Office - AFP / Getty Images Largest Chinese Aircraft Carrier Fleet Ever Assembled Seen Near US Navy Base: Report The largest Chinese aircraft carrier group ever assembled is reportedly conducting combat training near a US naval base in Japan. By Philip Lenczycki May 3, 2022
Jeff Kowalsky - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary China's Fleet to Outnumber America's Even More After Biden Navy's Plan to Scrap 24 Warships Joe Biden continues to make America and the world less safe by gutting our naval forces and weakening our military. By Warner Todd Huston April 8, 2022
Carolyn Kaster / AP Why Does Biden Keep Taking a Knee in Formal Photos? POTUS Goes Viral for Taking Knee in Front of Sailors 'The Mystery of Kneeling Joe' has captivated Americans, as President Joe Biden has been photographed multiple times taking a knee. By Jack Davis April 4, 2022
U.S. Navy US Navy Announces New Ship Will Be Named After a Darling of the Left 'She is a historic figure who vigorously advocated for women’s rights and gender equality,' the secretary of the Navy said. By Jack Davis April 1, 2022
L Smith / Getty ImagesCommentary Russia's Submarines Are Bigger Than Ours, But When the Launch Doors Open It's Immediately Clear That Size Doesn't Matter Russia's submarines are bigger than ours, but they probably can't "reshape a continent" in under a minute. By Elizabeth Stauffer March 31, 2022
Find Fenny / Facebook screen shot Video: Navy Medic Loses Service Dog During Car Crash, Reunited Months Later Months after a crash separated the two, a video of George and Fenny reuniting shows man and dog experiencing pure joy. By Amanda Thomason March 22, 2022
DMPhoto / Getty ImagesCommentary Military Doctor Testifies in Court: High-Level Command Ordered Her Silence Over Frightening Vaccine Data Brave doctor refuses to be quiet about COVID shots. "I have nothing to gain and everything to lose by talking about it." By Mike Landry March 21, 2022
Lydia Mutschmann / AFP via Getty ImagesCommentary Here's What 'Undeployable' Destroyer's Commander Was Doing When the Navy Declared Him Unfit to Helm a Warship This blows a hole straight in the government's case: It has nothing to do with risk and everything to do with power. By C. Douglas Golden March 17, 2022