J. Scott Applewhite / AP Dem Senator Breaks with Party to Deal Devastating Blow to DC Statehood Scheme Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia said he opposes unilateral action by Congress to make Washington, DC, a state. By The Associated Press April 30, 2021
Drew Angerer / Getty ImagesCommentary Young Not Stupid: If Only 6% of Biden's Infrastructure Bill Is for Infrastructure, What's the Other 94% For? While Biden loves to pretend that he is a bipartisan leader, his spending dreams are going to be a turnoff to any Republican support. By Cameron Arcand April 5, 2021
Toni Sandys - Pool / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Dick Morris: Biden Bribes Manchin with $163K Job to Wife 'As a matter of senatorial courtesy - and because of the rubber-stamp Democratic Senate majority - her approval is likely.' By Dick Morris March 29, 2021
Scott Halleran / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Cal Thomas: Every State Needs to Learn from What West Virginia's Planning for Taxpayers 'Though his state has experienced a population decline for 70 years, Gov. Justice believes now is the right time to reverse the trend.' By Cal Thomas March 22, 2021
Samuel Corum / Getty ImagesCommentary Biden Forced to Intervene as Democrats Stage Revolt Against His Progressive COVID 'Relief' Bill A Democratic senator from a conservative state forced President Joe Biden to get involved to get the COVID bill through the Senate. By Elizabeth Stauffer March 7, 2021
Greg Nash - Pool /Getty Images; Stefani Reynolds - Pool / Getty ImagesCommentary Joe Manchin Splits with Biden, Sends Letter Asking Him to Reverse Major Decision Manchin is now the second Democratic senator in two weeks to break with Biden on his decision to pull the permit on the Keystone XL pipeline. By Johnathan Jones February 10, 2021
WSAZ screen shotCommentary Kamala Harris Says There Will Be Job Creation Around 'Reclaiming Abandoned Land Mines' The least that Biden administration officials can do is to learn something about the industry they're working so hard to kill. By Elizabeth Stauffer February 1, 2021
Leigh Vogel - Pool /AFP via Getty Images Moderate Dem Senator Calls Out VP Harris for TV Appearance in His State Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin was irked by the Biden White House's latest faux pas, this time focusing on Kamala Harris. By Jack Davis January 31, 2021
Nodar Chernishev / EyeEm / Getty Images Lawsuit Accuses Google, Facebook of Throttling Local Newspapers with Online Ad Monopoly A West Virginia newspaper company filed an antitrust lawsuit against Google and Facebook, alleging unfair practices in the online ad market. By The Associated Press January 29, 2021
Nicholas Kamm - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary Here's What 6 State AGs Plan to Do if Biden Admin Violates the Constitution If President Biden oversteps the boundaries of the Constitution, six state attorneys general are ready to take action. By Grant Atkinson January 29, 2021